Chapter 3: Arrival to court

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The horses walked in lines of two by two as they made way towards the Kingdom of Fire. The guards were on lookout in both the front and back of the future heir to the throne while Naruto looked towards his side where Kakashi was completely serious. He looked at him and tried to speak when the man interrupted him.

"Don't even try to explain anything to me, I'm still mad at you. I never thought you'd do something like that."

"I didn't do anything."

"But you were the artifice of the idea."

"That's possible."

"How the hell do you come up with these preposterous ideas? If only you used those ideas for something good and productive, that would be great."

"It was good and productive. I already told you I didn't want Ino to marry this so called Prince Sasuke Uchiha. I've heard rumors about him. They say he's a womanizer, that he's slept with the entire kingdom. I don't even want to sleep with him."

"Dear God, Naruto. You need a son to occupy the throne when you get to it."

"First I have to get there."

"You need that heir and you need it urgently. That baby and you can get to the throne. It'll make Orochimaru nervous to know that the people will support you when they see you with that child and with a kingdom behind you to back you up. They will fight for you to give you your rightful place. The people of your kingdom are going through hardships. As soon as the rumors that you'll have an heir start spreading, the sooner you can get your throne back.  Orochimaru has no kids, you can be much faster than him."

"I don't like having a womanizer like Sasuke touch me, but if there's no other option, I suppose I'll have to do it for the people of my city who still wait for my return."

"You have a good heart, Naruto. I know you'll do the right thing to save everyone in your kingdom from that tyrant that has taken over it."

"Has he seriously fucked his entire kingdom?" Naruto worriedly asked.

"They're just a rumors." Kakashi said. "If they're true... you'd have to get what you want by whatever means possible. Make him fall for you until he listens to you and you can convince him of each and every one of your wishes. He'll do anything for you once you have him eating at the palm of your hand."

"I don't know how to manipulate people."

"Then you'll have to learn. You'll have no problems with Itachi, but your husband will be another story."

"He's a prince, he won't listen to me. He'll do whatever he feels like doing and will probably ignore everything I say or propose."

"You too, are a prince."

"Yes... a prince without lands. You think he'll send an entire army to fight for me? You think he'd endanger or leave his previous comfortable life for me? I don't think so."

"He could change if you give him the sufficient incentives to do it. Don't let what I'm about to say shock you, Naruto, but as a Prince, you'll be respected and have everything you want. However, if you have to become the biggest whore in his bed to have him eating from the palm of your hand, then do it. You'll have to learn how to manipulate him; all the queens and princesses know this."

The entourage arrived to the great red city. Naruto observed for a few seconds, looking around at the material they had never used. His kingdom was of the Wind; they always used limestone rock or white stone to build but never had he seen something like this, although, he had studied it.

"Is that brick?" He asked towards Kakashi in whisper, watching the people in the street kneel down as the horses passed by.

"Yes, and the drawings with the other colors is made with glazed brick. They're famous for the dominance this city has over fire and the high temperatures to create them." He commented.

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