Chapter 10: Alive

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He opened his eyes with a heaviness to them, he still felt them swollen. His hand caressed the humid pillow, realizing that he had been crying in silence the entire night. He didn't want to turn around to look behind his back. He cuddled to himself even more and grabbed the covers to cover himself with them. He gripped at them tightly to avoid anyone from ripping them off from him.

A hand caressed his hair, making his body tremble to the touch and he held back the urge to let out a sob that he had been suppressing. The pale hands that were gripped tightly around the covers were soon displaced as he brought them up towards his mouth, trying to avoid letting out any other sound. He closed his eyes tightly, wishing for everything to pass soon.

"Get ready and don't be late in coming down to eat. We'll be leaving soon." Pein ordered but Deidara did not respond.

He felt how the other inhaled the scent of his fine hair, delighting himself with it's fine aroma. He felt how Pein's fingertips softly graced his naked shoulder, one that faintly poke out from under the covers, and how he deposited a soft kiss upon it. Perhaps he was treating him sweetly, but Deidara could not stop thinking about the pain from the other night. He could not stop thinking about how he did not love this man and that he was being held here against his will, obeying someone whom he shouldn't obey. He felt just like any other servant who was simply used as a mere marionette for their sinister plans. They had taken the most important thing for him and there was no going back. All he could do now was pray that he not give him the heir he so much wanted.

Pein got out of bed, calling his servants so that they attend to him. Once ready, he exited the room with one last look at the blond boy that was still laying down with his back to him. Ever since they had brought him here, he had not pronounced a single word. He simply let himself be touched and later on cuddled himself, avoiding looking at him or speaking to him. It wasn't something that mattered greatly to him, though. He only needed an heir from him and nothing more. Even so, as he marched off through down the hallway, Pein felt a certain emptiness. Perhaps he would've liked it if the boy had participated and not ignored him.

Deidara heard how everyone began to leave and he turned around, watching how Konan passed by the hallway trying to get at least a kiss from her husband but he only shot past her. He felt dirty and disgusted; he saw Pein's wife there in front of him and he knew he had just become the King's lover. He thought Konan would look at him disgracefully but instead, when she looked towards Deidara, he saw that it was only pity. That woman had pity towards this entire situation.

He couldn't see more when the servants closed the door, maintaining the Queen from his sight, but he did not hold back his sobs as he began to cry. Five minutes had barely passed when he heard the door open and the Queen herself almost ran inside, closing it behind her. Deidara thought the worst. Everyone knew that Kings always had their lovers but despite tolerating it to keep them at their sides and hold their title as Queen, that didn't mean that the idea sat good with them. They only ever feigned not knowing about it.

Deidara backed away a bit on the bed when he felt Konan grab him by the wrist and began pulling him out of bed, hurrying him to get ready. He didn't understand what was going on.

"Come, you have to shower and get ready." Konan hurried.


"Because you're going some place special."

"We're only going to the Kingdom of Fire." He spoke.

"That's why. Your betrothed awaits you there."

Konan knew they had given her husband something important, something that made him absent from their matrimonial bed that night. What she did not expect to find was this Namikaze. She thought only two were alive and had escaped far away, or at least, that's what they've told her. She knew at that moment that Itachi would recognize him as soon as he saw him, if he got ready, that is. He could not go as he was now. Orochimaru had once told her how he had taken Itachi's future husband and she had been convinced it was Deidara.

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