Chapter 14: Plans and Mixups

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Seeing Naruto flirt with the guard like some vulgar woman was something Sasuke didn't like. Never did he expect his husband to do something​ like this. Ever since the first time he saw him the castle, he had thought the boy to be educated, refined, independent for having been raised amongst soldiers but at the same time, sweet and friendly— a gentle boy who wouldn't succumb to his lower instincts. Now, he saw that he had been wrong about him. He was just like any other— an adolescent only looking for pleasure and succumbing to his carnal instincts.

He dragged him towards his bedroom and pushed him inside with certain force that threw him to the floor. He was tired of the situation. He had tried to make his husband fall for him. He had tried to have patience with him, knowing that he was a virgin. He had given him space to get used to his new life, and he had even stopped fucking the first thing he saw, dreaming of one day being with his husband— of the day he would decide to give this arranged marriage an opportunity. Now Sasuke's patience had come to it's limit. He couldn't stand it that his husband went along and behaved like a whore, insinuating with the first person he saw.

He got on top of Naruto's body and didn't permit him to speak. He didn't want to hear his excuses as to why he had done it. He was tired of his husband only feeling like he had an obligation on his shoulders and how he couldn't comprehend that he didn't want to force him. If that's what the blond really wanted, then he would get it.

At first, Sasuke felt how Naruto tried to get away from his hold, how he fought against him but finally, the boy ended up giving up. He knew what awaited him and it was exactly what he had been looking for and trying to force. Sasuke smiled triumphantly for a second until he opened his eyes seeing how the boy cried in front of him. He wasn't expecting this. For a moment, he knew that despite him looking for it, this boy was still scared; it was his first time. At that precise moment where everything clicked in his mind, Sasuke stopped, parting himself and off of Naruto to go towards one of the mirrors in the room. He couldn't even recognize himself in the mirror; he wasn't like this. He didn't like forcing anybody and much less the one he was supposed to love.

"I'm sorry." Naruto was surprised to hear. "I shouldn't have let my rage take over me."

"But..." Naruto started. "I want you to do it once and for all!" He shouted.

"I don't want to force you!" Sasuke shouted back. "Is it that you don't understand me?!"

Naruto was surprised to hear that, opening his eyes a few seconds before lowering his gaze to the floor. His clothes were still somewhat torn and despite that, he didn't care, he sat there on the floor without lifting his gaze towards Sasuke.

"Why do you not touch me?" Naruto asked in whisper.

"You hate Pein?" Sasuke asked, lowering his tone of voice as he still looked at himself in the mirror.

"Of course I do." Naruto replied hatefully.

"Why?" Sasuke asked.

"Because he hurts my brother! He humiliates him. He does whatever he wants to him, whenever!" He responded with rage.

"If I took you now by force... how would I be any different from him? Would you hate me?"

Naruto's eyes widened upon understanding. At that moment, he understood his husband and regretted what he had tried to do.

"I don't want you to hate me. I want you to love me. You understand?"

"I'm sorry, Sasuke." Naruto pronounced.

"I understand what you're going through with your brother. I can understand that you have so much rage inside that you just want to forget everything and try to get in my bed but that's not the solution. You'll feel worse tomorrow. The rage will still be there and overall... you wouldn't have enjoyed our moment. Is that really what you want?"

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