Chapter 5: Crownless King

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A soldier walked through the gloomy hallways of what was once the most luminous castle in the land. Now there were only shadows left, white stone that darkened into a grey tone, and only torches illuminated the wide hallways. The splendor that once lived in this fortress had converted itself into the most darkest of castles. Soldiers stood guard in each and every one of the doors until finally, that one soldier arrived to the door of the royal dining hall.

Twelve years ago, this was the place where only the best and luxurious banquets were held. Its floors were once a stage for thousands of dancers who danced happily for the nobles and now, it was only a vast dining hall in which sometimes, some noble would dare enter to discuss some issue with the illegitimate king, usurper of the throne.

The guard that stood guard at the door knocked and entered to name the soldier who looked for an audience with the king. He entered somewhat frightened, although he tried not to look like it. The rumors that were spread about this new king were no good. Everyone knew what would happen if you went against him, so it was best to obey and do things right if you didn't want a major punishment or even a death penalty.

As he approached the table with an abundant amount of food, he began hearing the heavy breathing of a young man and only when he was near the chair in the back could he see a young man with odd blond hair mounting Orochimaru while he faintly moaned, eating and encouraging the boy to continue with his task. The young man, once seeing the soldier, tried to get up to leave them so they could talk but Orochimaru only pulled the boy by the hair, impeding him from getting up and ordering him to continue with his task, that he had not finished yet.

The soldier, somewhat shocked, approached him to deliver a letter but another soldier, Orochimaru's personal guard, Kakuzu, intervened and took the letter from him so he himself could hand it over. Between the boy's moans drowning into the vast room, Orochimaru read the letter while the soldier patiently awaited his answer.

"Damn it!" He exclaimed, with his arm sweeping part of the table, sending a few cups of the most finest silver to the floor, spilling wine.

Everyone who was present at the scene were frightened for a few seconds but then relaxed when they saw Orochimaru made an effort to cease his sudden anger.

"How is it possible that he is still without an heir?! I've searched for him a woman of high lineage, the most noble within nobles, and all he needs is a kid. Konan was promised to be the perfect wife and they had assured me that she was fertile. They've spent three years trying and nothing!"

"Perhaps it's time you give him his gift." One of his advisors, Kabuto, commented at his side. "You've been holding it back a while."

"I was hoping my inept nephew would have descendants so that I could keep his gift." Orochimaru commented.

"The kingdom should always be over your personal interests, my King. The boy could give him the heir you're looking for and it would be completely legitimate as he was to be the authentic King. If that newborn carries with him the blood of the late King, nobody would ever say the throne was usurped because he has royal blood. He would have the right to sit on the throne."

"If that boy finds out he is the son of Minato Namikaze, late King of my territory, he's capable of doing anything to take us out of power." Orochimaru countered.

"Don't let him find out."

"What do you mean?"

"The boy thinks he is a simple peasant, let us let him believe it, that his mission is to only satisfy his masters. When we get the heir we need, we can kill him or if you prefer it, you can keep him as your personal toy. We only need him to birth your nephew's son. He's still pure, right?"

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