Chapter 2: Kingdom of Fire

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The King walked hurriedly through the hallways, his servants bowing as they watched him pass but Itachi did not even flinch to respond. He didn't even notice them as he simply continued on his way at a mild pace in search of his little brother who continued to disobey his orders over and over again. He was getting a little tired of having to deal with his impudence.

He had chosen a good wife for his brother, the youngest daughter of the Namikaze. That union would bring them a great benefit if they managed to recuperate the kingdom that dynasty had lost almost twelve years ago. All of the councilors told him that it was a bad decision, that it would only bring war to his country and it was true, Itachi knew it was. He had always fought to maintain the peace but this was something he owed to that kingdom. Ever since he was little, his parents used to tell him that one day he would marry the heir to the throne of the Namikaze and since then, it was his biggest dream to see both kingdoms united. However, that never came to pass due to Deidara's death.

Itachi could still remember how the two of them never got along as kids; both arguing about how they didn't want to marry each other while their parents forced them to live together every summer so they could begin to know each other better. In the end... he ended up taking a liking to that boy of barely eight years who not even remotely ever thought about what love was.

Itachi back then was fifteen years old; the word 'love' had no meaning to him but he later on began to take an interest in things he never used to look at and it's just that that boy began attracting him. He had never imagined that he would end up falling in love with the person they had obligated him into marrying, but he did. When he found out about his death, he never healed from that blow but now he could at least do something for that neighboring kingdom his parents greatly valued.

Sasuke, on the other hand, understood nothing about what was going on. The only thing he wanted was to continue with his partying; passing every night out of the castle in those strip-joints of bad luck fucking anyone that passed in front of him. He didn't care if it was man or woman, the only thing that mattered to him was sex and Itachi had had enough of that. Ino would be a good wife for him, he was sure of it.

He entered Sasuke's room without hesitating and without warning. He was the King, he had no need for formalities. He didn't expect to find him there, but strangely there he was... although busy, as always. He was laying in bed while a service boy rode him with desperation and a young woman who serviced in the kitchen licked and suctioned his testicles, giving them both pleasure.

"Everybody out! I want to speak with my brother." Itachi shouted. The young man was about to get up when Sasuke grabbed him by the waist and told him to continue, that he was about to cum. "I've said get out!" He shouted but Sasuke, still grabbing the boy by the waist, forcefully thrusted his member up and down into the boy until he finally released with a gasp. He gave a slap to the boy's ass and then ordered him to leave.

Itachi was tired of his brother's insubordinate behavior, of doing whatever the hell he wanted to do. The last thing he had said was denying to the marriage. He had created one of his scandals before the council saying he would never marry. Who the hell did he think he was to decide on destroying the benefit of two kingdoms for his nightly indulgences? The servants hurried out, grabbing their clothes and trying to cover their nakedness as they passed by Itachi, lowering their head but Itachi said nothing to them. It was not his fault, but his brother's fault who believed to have the authority to ignore his decisions. The servants closed the door behind them

"Who the hell do you think you are to pass over my word?!" Itachi shouted as he asked.

"The Prince of the country of Fire." The other responded smugly as he grabbed a robe to cover his nakedness.

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