Chapter 12: Brothers

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Naruto entered his room with the devil at his heels, damning Sasuke the entire way. He wasn't even good enough to help him forget about this. So hard was it to get that womanizer in his bed? He got in everybody's bed but his and he had had enough of having to go behind him, begging him for a measly touch! He had never begged for anything and now it seemed he would do it for his damned husband!

He let himself fall onto the soft, feather mattress and tried to calm down. One thing was true, though. It was very possible that laying with his husband in these conditions would surely bring consequences the following day. In all honesty, he really didn't feel nor want to lay with him; he didn't love him and he was scared of sex, or more concretely, of the pain that could come from it. A part of him understood Sasuke but at some moment, they would have to have relations; they were married!

Naruto remained on the bed for a few seconds more. The nights were beginning to become cold and despite the servants always fixing the bed perfectly, he was always cold when going to sleep and waking up. He cuddled to himself all he could on the bed, covering himself to the top; he didn't want to come out to the cold. Winter had already come and as he turned, he saw how snow fell outside the window.

Kakashi, seeing how Naruto wasn't waking up early like he normally would, decided to go to his bedroom as he was worried. Knocking on the door, he entered the bedroom, seeing a large bulge in the covers. He called one of the servants that was near and asked them if they could light the room's chimney. In a moment, the room began to heat up.

"Naruto... are you okay?" Kakashi asked as he approached the bed.

"Yes." The boy lied.

"Is it because of your brother?"

"I can't stop thinking about him. What am I doing, Kakashi? He's the heir, he's the one who should be King, not me. The deal with Sasuke no longer has any meaning to it."

"Your brother and the council will have to decide that. For the moment, let's worry about the imminent: getting your brother out of this. We'll worry about fulfilling our promise to the Uchiha later."

"I promised them my kingdom. I promised Sasuke that I'd give him my kingdom, that's why we were married. However, my brother is alive and I can no longer offer something that is not mine, it belongs to my brother. How do I tell Sasuke now that he's married me and won't have any benefit from it? I'm not capable of telling him that."

"He already knows it. Calm down, Naruto. From the moment in which Sasuke saw Deidara in front of him back there, he knew what was going on. You don't have to explain anything to him, just wait until we manage to understand what happened to your brother and then we can come to a new agreement that would benefit everyone. Have patience. Sasuke won't say anything if he hasn't already. It could be that Sasuke be a stubborn guy and perhaps a womanizer, but he's not dumb. He knows how to behave and knows to wait until things are fixed."

"At this moment... I feel as if I get out of bed, I'll directly head out to kill that guy." Naruto said angrily, grabbing the pillow with force. "I can't look the other way while having my brother that way. I... need to get my brother out of this."

"I understand, Naruto, but you need patience. Deidara worries me as much as you and I don't want you to suffer any risk by committing something foolish. You should control yourself."

"I'll try, but I won't promise anything."

"Come on, get up, Naruto. The day is just beginning."

"I'm not capable of getting anything done." Naruto whispered. "Not even Sasuke gets in my bed. Now I have nothing to negotiate with him for my kingdom and Deidara is locked up in a grand lie crafted by our enemies. I don't know how to solve all of this."

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