Chapter 1

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"Hey, what the f*ck have you been avoiding me for, you little sh*t?" The raven haired male casually walked up to the other male and scowled. "The last time I checked, I didn't answer to you." The red headed male scowled right back at the ravenette and he narrowed his eyes. "Get lost, you're a sight for sore eyes..." Mo Guanshan started walking again, planning on ignoring the other male entirely now. That was obviously a very bad idea and he knew it, but he wasn't in the mood for his sh*t today.

He tian strode up to Mo and shoved him against the brick wall. "Do not think that you can just so casually walk away from me. Do I need to teach you another lesson?" Mo struggled against the other's grip and at the threat of violence, he swallowed nervously. Why the hell did he have the worst luck? How did it end up like this? He didn't want to be this guy's lackey.

"Get the f*ck off of me!" Mo's eyes widened as he was thrown to the ground and fear started to creep up into his chest. Was he going to beat him?

A moment later, nothing happened and the red haired male glanced up in the direction of the ravenette. He was about to say something, when he felt a hard kick to the side of his rib cage. Mo started to cough and soon felt a hand around his throat. "I could snap your neck in a matter of seconds and think nothing of it. Watch your mouth, kid."

Feeling his oxygen slowly get cut off, Mo choked and tried to get out of He tian's grip. "Give me a break...I'm not afraid of some dumb f*ck like you..." "Ha! Who is the dumb one here?" The raven haired male tightened his grip and then soon relaxed it, releasing Mo. "I don't want you passin' out on me, at least not yet. You have a job to do again." He slowly stood up and dusted himself off.

Mo instantly started to cough, feeling air get pushed into his lungs much too fast. He glared up at He tian and said, "I'm not your f*cking b*tch, do it yourself!" He attempted to get up, but got kicked back down onto the ground. "We've got to do something about that mouth of yours..." "Come on, stop being a d*ck and give me a break today. I've got somewhere I've gotta be..." "Yeah? Like where?" "None of your f*cking business! Get lost!" Mo got up on unsteady feet and leaned against the wall for support. "I'm surprised those damn girls even like you. If they knew that you were like's no wonder that you don't have a girlfriend." "Who said I was interested in women?" He tian stepped up to Mo and grinned when he noticed him flinch. He leaned into him, so that their lips were almost touching.

Mo tried to push the other male away, but it was like trying to push a cement wall. "Get away from me, you f*cking freak! Get--" He got cut off mid-sentence and his eyes widened as he felt the other's lips against his own.

"Mmmf!" Somehow managing to push He tian away, Mo felt his knees buckle and he fell to the ground. "What kind of sick joke are you playing now?" He lifted his hand and tried to wipe the feeling of the other's kiss off of his lips. Tears came to his eyes and he flinched as his face was grabbed once again. "No!" He tried to push him away, but He tian was much stronger then Mo. Tears started to pour down his cheeks as he felt the other kiss him again and he squeezed his eyes shut. 'Please, make this stop!' He thought the words inside of his head and hoped he'd get his wish.

"Do you really hate me that much?" He tian pulled away from the red haired male and looked down at him as he pushed him onto the ground.

Mo winced as his back hit the ground and he instantly put a arm over his face, the tears still pouring down his cheeks. "I do..." His voice was quiet as he spoke.

"Hmm..." He tian stood up and glanced down at Mo, keeping quiet.

"Why do you always harass me? Don't you have anything else better to do? Just leave me alone!" Mo sniffled and wiped his eyes with his hands. Feeling something soft against his cheek, he froze. Was that He tian's hand? It was gone in a matter of seconds though and by the time Mo pulled his hands from his eyes, he heard retreating footsteps.





I feel like I could maybe do another couple of chapters. Should I?
I didn't want to risk losing my account, so I had to put the stars in the swear words.
Please review and let me know what you think ^_____^
I feel like there isn't enough out there of these two...

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