Chapter 6

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Mo Guanshan woke up to the smell of something burning and he opened his eyes slowly. His head was pounding and he hissed in pain. His hands automatically flew to his head and the previous night came back to him, as he felt the bandages in between his fingers.

Yawning tiredly, the red haired male started to sit up and then winced as his back started to ache. "The f*ck..." "Oh, you're finally awake." Mo glanced over at where the voice was coming from and seen the other male in the kitchen. "How could I not? You're obviously trying to burn the f*cking building down..." He got up and stumbled over to where He tian was.

He blinked a few times once he got over to the kitchen, taking notice to the fact that the raven haired male had seriously tried to cook something for them both. Glancing towards the trash can, Mo could see what looked like egg. "How the F*ck did you burn an egg?" "How the f*ck can a smart ass kid like you know how to cook?" Mo shook his head and walked over to where the other was, which was by the stove. "Watch and learn."

Mo opened the egg carton and then looked back at He tian. "You really tried to cook breakfast, didn't you?" "Shut up...I'm starving..." The raven haired male looked down at the floor and Mo couldn't help but smile.

Managing to cook up some eggs for them both and some bacon even, Mo noticed how intently the other was watching him. "You really wanna learn, don't you?" "Of course I f*cking do...I don't want you to be the only one that can do this sh*t. Although, I do like how you could be the perfect maid." A grin fell across the ravenette's lips and Mo frowned. "Don't get any crazy f*cking ideas..."

"It's ready..." The red haired male placed the food on two seprate plates and then set them both down on the counter. Getting a couple of forks from the drawer next to the stove, Mo sighed and handed the other male his fork. He still felt incredibly ashamed of himself. Everything that happened last night, he wished that he could forget all about it. Well, maybe not all of it. A small blush came to his cheeks and he seen a shadow fall across his face.

"What?" "Nothing..." He tian shrugged and pulled away from Mo. "You going to school today?" "No, I have to go back to the hospital." Mo averted his gaze and looked down at his plate of food. " never know what crazy sh*t will come across your path today and you need to keep your strength up. I can't always save your f*cking ass everytime." "I never asked you to in the first place..."

Silence fell upon them and Mo didn't really know what to say to break it.


"Do you...want to come with me?" Mo swallowed nervously, not even able to comprehend that he was asking the other male such a thing. It just felt so lonely and it was almost unbearable to go there alone. She wasn't awake and in all honesty, he knew that the doctors didn't think she'd wake up at all. Being in the room, the pressure was almost smothering. He knew that he would have to make the decision to either keep her on the machines or to take her off of them.

"Sure, what can missing one day do?" Mo's eyes snapped up and he looked at the other male. "Seriously?" "Yeah, why not? I still don't think it's a smart idea to leave you on your own yet anyhow. You could try to pull some f*cking sh*t like last night for all I know." "I'm sorry..." "We should change your bandages before we leave, though." Mo nodded, letting the subject get changed.


Mo finished eating and got up, just as He tian set the dishes in the sink. "Sh*t..." As soon as he got up, the world started to spin and he had to hold onto the counter for support. Taking a few deep breaths, it passed and he sighed softly. When he opened his eyes, He tian was standing in front of him and he shook his head, "I'm fine..."

"Let's go and have a shower. I can help you wash your wound. Then we can reapply more bandages when you get out." "I can shower by myself..." "I offered my assistance, are you seriously going to f*cking reject it?" "I just don't want to cause you anymore trouble then I already have." "Shut up...You're not causing me any f*cking trouble. If you were, I would have kicked you the f*ck out by now." All Mo did was nod as his arm was grabbed. "Okay, okay...I'll go." He tian didn't let go of Mo though and the red haired male frowned. "Let go!" "Stop acting as if you've did something wrong!" He tian dragged him across the living room and shoved Mo up against the wall outside of the bathroom.

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