Chapter 7

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He tian stepped into the room and seen his uncle entering the apartment. "Uncle, what brings you into this part of town?" He couldn't find out about Mo, not because it would prove that he preferred men over women, but because he didn't want to get the other male involved in anything that his family might be planning.

"I just came to see how my nephew has been!" He tian raised an eyebrow and then shook his head. "You rarely come to see me because of such things. You and I both know that." "Haha...that is true. I heard that you made contact with your brother." "Yeah, so?" He tian glanced over at the small stand by his bed and walked over, grabbing his pack of smokes and lighter.

Pulling a cigarette out of the package, he flicked the lighter and then threw the both of them onto the bed. He noticed the other male's shirt on the bed and was suddenly relieved that they were both guys. His uncle wouldn't know the difference in their clothing.

He took a long drag off of his cigarette and then walked back over to his uncle. "Is that all you came to talk about? I do have to get ready for school, you know." "Of course you do. I suppose I should get going then." "I'll see you out, uncle."

He tian stepped over to the apartment door and then opened it, letting his uncle leave through the door first. He then walked with him to the elevator.

Turning around to face He tian, his uncle was about to say something, but must have thought against it, because he turned right back around. Reaching out, he pressed the elevator button. "You didn't bring any bodyguards with you this time. I'm surprised." "Why should I bring them when they are not needed? I told them to wait out in the car." "Ah, I see..." He tian noticed the other male eyeing him and he hoped that he didn't have anyone watching him, because if he did, Mo was f*cked. Big time.

The elevator came and He tian watched as his uncle got inside. The elevator started to close and He tian pulled the cigarette from his lips, just to take another long drag off of it.

"One more thing, He tian." The raven haired male blinked, noticing how the other had stopped the elevator from closing. "Yes, uncle?" "Try not to hide anyone from me from now on, alright?" All the raven haired male could do was nod. He was completely thrown off guard.

The elevator closed and He tian reached up, running a hand through his hair. "F*ck!" He walked back into the other room and reached over, putting the half smoked cigarette in the ashtray that sat by the counter.

Glancing towards the bathroom, He tian sighed. They had just gotten sh*t done and over with and now they had more. This was never ending...


Mo sighed. He had no idea how long the other male would be. The bigger problem was the fact that people came to his place without phoning. Although, Mo didn't really see a phone in He tian's place.

"Hey..." Mo jumped when the male suddenly appeared beside him and he frowned. "Is everything alright?" "My uncle knows about you. This could be a problem." "Huh?" "You should probably go back to your place. I'll give you some bandages and what not to help you take care of that wound."

Mo felt his heart sink and he shook his head. "No! I don't know what's going on, but why do I have to go home?" "It's not safe for us to see each other anymore." The red haired male felt his heart shatter into pieces at the other's words and his chest felt tight as tears pooled in his eyes. "Why?" "Because they found out about you, that's why!" He tian narrowed his eyes and glared at Mo. Seeing the tears in his eyes, He tian reached over, but stopped midway.

"Hey, stop being a sh*t. I'll find a way for us to meet, okay?" Mo nodded and reached up, wiping his own tears away.

He tian had the best intentions with this, but he didn't want to part with Mo yet, not when his mental stability could still be fragile like last night. "Text me your home address later and I'll try to come by."

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