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"Come on, let's get you back to the sofa." "You're not going to leave, are you?" Mo clung to the ravenette's shirt tightly and buried his face into his chest. He tian didn't answer Mo Guanshan and only reached down, picking him up.

Stepping back into the living room area, He tian walked over to the sofa and set the red haired male down.

As soon as he was set back down on the furniture, Mo winced, feeling the pain start to come back again.

"I'll bandage your head for you, so lean over this way a bit." Mo did as he was told, even though a sharp pain erupted through his rib cage. A whimper left between his lips and he squeezed his eyes shut as he started to breathe heavily. "Hey, you'll be okay..." The red haired male wasn't so sure, considering how he couldn't even remember a time that he felt this bad.

Trying to patiently wait for the other male to be done, Mo focused on how gentle He tian was moving his fingers around his head. His hands were so warm and they started to make him feel drowsy.

"I'm done." "Hmm..." "You can't sleep right now, we've gotta get you washed up. The wounds will heal faster if we clean them. Then we can determine how severe they are." Mo nodded and forced his eyes open. "Alright..." He yawned tiredly and then reached up, slapping the sides of his cheeks to wake himself up.


In the bathroom, Mo sat on the toilet seat, while He tian started to remove his clothes very carefully. "Lift your arms so that I can take your shirt off." The red haired male did as he was told again and lifted his arms. As he did so, the world started to spin and he suddenly felt dizzy. "We'll have to go to the hospital about your head. I think they may have did some real damage to it." All the other male could do was nod, due to the fact that his entire body was in so much pain. It was almost unbearable.

"They've marked you up pretty badly..." He tian mumbled the words and frowned when he seen the large bruise that was slowly starting to take form on the side of Mo's rib cage. Reaching out, he gently touched the wound and heard the other male whimper. "All of this happened because of me..." He pulled away from Mo and thought about leaving and never coming back.

"I'm still here aren't I? Every bit of it was worth it." "What?" "I said that it was all-" "I heard what the f*ck you said. How can you say that?" Mo looked down into his lap and shook his head. "You wouldn't understand. Not unless you've had something taken from you. Something that you really cherished. When you have something you want to protect, things just become worth it. That's all." Looking up at He tian, Mo managed to smile weakly. "We're still in this together and I don't plan on going anywhere." He reached up and took the dark haired male's hands in his own. "I hope you get the chance to understand someday."


Mo was in the bath. He tian had helped him get in and he had told him to soak for awhile, to let the water seep into his skin. "I hope he doesn't try to leave..."

The red haired male frowned, thinking of the face he had made when he seen the bruise on his ribs. It really was quite a lot, but Mo didn't regret it. He didn't regret anything about the other male. Not anymore at least.

These past few days had gone by so fast, that the days felt more like weeks.

Sighing softly, Mo looked down at his body. It looked pretty sh*tty right now and the red haired male felt the same way that he looked.

Glancing down at himself, he started to inspect his body.

He knew that he had a couple of dark purple bruises on the right side of his cheek, because he seen them when he entered the bathroom earlier. Looking down though, he could see that his ribs on the right side of his body were pretty messed up. Not to mention, they looked swollen. Maybe that was just his eyesight though. His vision was still pretty blurred, something that he had failed to tell He tian. He felt bad enough and Mo wasn't about to add even more to how he was feeling.

Looking even further, Mo could see that his legs weren't as swollen anymore, but they were still heavily covered with bruises. His back was another problem that would need to be looked at. It had made a horrible sound when he tried to pick himself up back when he had still been on the ground. The memory was enough to send shivers up his spine. The entire night was. He couldn't believe that He tian had grew up around such things. A frown fell upon the red haired male's lips and he looked down into the water, as if he could find all of the answers that he was looking for hidden in the depths of it.


He tian was sitting out in the living room area, pondering over everything that had happened in the past few days. He couldn't believe that it had only been around four days. It felt as if this had been going on much longer.

Glancing at his phone, He tian seen a number come up on the screen and his eyes widened. Should he pick it up?

Almost a whole minute passed before the dark haired male quickly reached out and grabbed the phone off of the small table that sat in front of the sofa.

He hit the 'talk' option and then hesitated before saying, "Brother..." 





Okay, so this chapter is probably the shortest that I've written >...<
Please review and let me know what you think of the chapter!
There's only two more chapter's left *Flails*

I really don't want it to end, but I don't know what else to do...

This is seriously such an accomplishment for me, though.

In all of the years that I've been writing, I've never actually finished an on-going fanfiction before.

Plus, so many people have been reading this!

Thank you so much for the support guys!

I couldn't do it without you all ^____^
I hope that once you're done with this story, that you'll check out my other ones as well <3

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