Chapter 5

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Mo was in the kitchen taking one of the pills that He tian had given him. He glanced over at the other male, as he heated his food up in the microwave and averted his gaze when he looked up at him. He still felt incredibly ashamed of himself, for what happened earlier.

He had made He tian so mad, that something almost happened. Then, he had almost jumped off of the balcony, because of the petty thoughts that ran through his head. He had also said some pretty crude things as well. All in all, he felt even worse then he had before.

"Have you been like this before?" Mo looked up at the ravenette when he spoke and watched as he took his food over to the counter, eating as he walked. Mo bit the side of his lip, wondering if he should tell the other or not. If they were ever going to try and make this work though, he couldn't have secrets. He tian deserved to know what he was dealing with. "Yeah...mostly when my dad was around though. This..." He hesitated and then continued. "This is the first time in a long time. At least a couple of years..."

Silence surrounded them after Mo spoke and he felt his heart pound against his chest again. Was he too much? "I'll understand if you don't want me to come back again. I mean, who'd want to deal with a suicidal freak like me?" He laughed nervously and looked down at the floor.

"I never f*cking said that. Where the f*ck do you get these stupid ideas from?" His chin got grabbed and Mo looked up into He tian's eyes. "I'm not going to let you be someone elses b*tch, you little sh*t." A small smiled tugged at the corners of Mo's mouth and he felt something soft touch the top of his head. Before he could speak, a finger was at his lips and he heard the other speak. "Shut up..."

Mo Guanshan felt He tian's lips against his own in seconds and the red haired male instantly felt all of the tension in his body slip away. His mind turned to mush and he groaned into the heated kiss. Setting the bottle of water back onto the counter, Mo wrapped his arms around He tian's neck and soon felt the other pull away, to only start nipping rather roughly at his neck. Feeling the other start to suck on his jugular, the red haired male moaned loudly. His pants started to tighten and he soon felt the other's knee get shoved into his crotch. "A-ah!" Mo's eyes started to flutter from the pleasure that coursed through his veins and he moaned again.

"F*ck...I want you so f*cking badly..." Hearing the raven haired male's words in his ear, Mo felt his body shake with excitement. He opened half lidded eyes and they widened when he was suddenly picked up. "Hey!" "I'm not stopping, so you better not f*cking start your whining." A light blush appeared on Mo's face as he was placed on the bed and he quickly turned his face away. "I can't believe all of that didn't make you hate me..." "The f*ck are you going on about?" Mo felt the other male at his pants and his blush darkened. "What I did...and said..." "What about it?" "It's nothing..." "Hey," Mo flinched when his chin was grabbed and he looked up into He tian's eyes again. "It takes a hell of a lot more then that to turn me off of someone. I've seen some pretty f*cked up sh*t and this night isn't even close to making it on that list."

He couldn't help but feel like the other was trying to make him feel better and it made him happy. The little things made him happy, so this was more then enough. He knew that he couldn't expect anymore from the male and oddly enough, he was okay with that.

"A-ah!" Mo panted and looked up at He tian with glossy eyes. "I'm gonna put it in..." Blinking, Mo looked down at He tian's pulsing member and his eyes widened. "WHAT?" How the hell was that supposed to fit inside of him?

"W-wait..." Before he could say anything else, the other male started to push his member inside of his entrance. Mo's back arched and he tightened his grip on the bed sheets. Tears started to trickle down the sides of his cheeks and he turned his face away from the other male. "Does it hurt?" "OF COURSE IT F*CKING DOES, YOU IDIOT!" Mo winced as he felt He tian push even further in and his stomach started to feel sick.

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