Chapter 4

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Ariana's P.O.V.

     I saw thick clouds of smoke pouring out of the engine of a vehicle.  The car seemed familiar, but the darkness and the blurry vision I got from the bullet-like rain did not seem to be helping. Thousands of incomplete, half-baked  thoughts spun around in my brain, like a whirlwind. I had assured my body to forestall any sudden movement it might have. Great, they're probably a convict, I thought. A lump in my throat grew bigger. For a second, a concealed smile appeared on my face, as Emma tied back her hair. That's when someone knows she's ready to rumble.

     She undoubtedly opened the door, with a hand on her hip. We all scurried over to where she was, and I got a glimpse of her pursed lips. 

     "Why did your car hit one of those trees?!" Emma screamed, loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.

     "Sorry, I crashed. You see, my car has been acting up and-"he cut himself off mid-sentence. "Wait, are your parents here?"

     Immediately, Dare informed him they were out. We all chastised her. The thing is, sometimes Dare can be a bit...ditsy. As in sometimes, she can't recollect where India is on a map. In fact she said in 6th grade, "I once visited France. I heard it was the first continent to invent guns!"

     "Okay, do any of you guys know if you have any tools? I need to fix this,"he begged. "I've gotta go sometime- I mean somewhere."

     I darted over to the tool shed. My black and white Converse crunched against the gravel. I tripped over a few sticks and stones on the way back, but I felt fine. I took a deep breath in, inhaling the crisp rain air. After exhaling, I handed him a bag of tools. 

     It had only been a few minutes, but he already managed to completely repair the car. We assured him that we'd tell my parents that lightning had struck the once lively tree, which had become completely destroyed. He hopped back into his car, and muttered a few words. 

     "These time circuits aren't working,"he fumed.

     "I can help,"Emma offered. 

     She hopped in the passenger's seat, and started to inspect it. Of course, Ellie decided to help, hopping in the backseat. I was pretty good at cars, so it was only natural for me to jump in. Inevitably, Dare hopped in the backseat too. I spoke over her loud singing, telling him what to do. 

     My heart stopped, as I closely looked at it. The green and red text made me refrain from the directions. I stood there, paralyzed, unwillingly adding everything up. I denied what was happening- it couldn't be. Memories of Back to the Future invaded my mind. If I kept on saying that it wasn't true, it wouldn't be. I took a big gulp. If this was the DeLorean, then there was only one logical explanation as to who that boy was.

     "You're- you're Marty McFly!"I screamed. 

     I winced, immediately regretting the words as they left my mouth. It was too ridiculous. Then, Emma grabbed the flashlight on Ellie's phone, and shined it on the person next to her. Her eyes got big as saucers, trying to hold back her shock as much as possible. Unfortunately, things don't always turn out that way. She let out an ear piercing scream. Slowly, my head turned, along with Ellie and Dare's. We let out ear shattering shouts. I waved my hands around manically, as Dare slammed her hand on a button. 

     The car started shaking, as it started to hover. Of course, our screams only increased. The rain pelted against the windows, as I saw a flash of lighting. Before I could comprehend what was happening, I saw the date on the time circuits flash to 1965.

     I sat in the seat, my eyes closed tight, clenching onto the seat belt. I felt the car descend, and the quiet environment made the situation oddly soothing. I told myself to keep my eyes closed, then everything'd be alright. Everything's alright.

     I heard the sound of an engine starting. My eyes battered, as I was exposed to the sight of Marty attempting to start up the car. I froze in fear, as reality seeped into my brain. Checking the time circuits, I saw that it was 8:15 am.  I nudged everyone. Emma opened her eyes, along with Ellie and Dare. We all let out silent gasps, half concealed in the pure fear of the situation. 

     "Maybe this is just a prank. Cameras, where you at?"Dare called. "Or maybe a social experiment. It's just a prank, bro."

     A new emotion tussled with my other feelings. I felt it rising up. My hazelnut brown eyes  glimmered. It was happening. It was an epiphany.

     "Guys, you realize...we just time traveled,"I announced. "We just went through time! Do you know what this means? We can go back to any date. If Back to the Future is real, who knows what else is?!" 

    Their frowns faded, as we hopped out of the car. No questions asked, we pushed the car into an empty alleyway.  

     "Guys, we're in 1965. My name's Marty. Okay, so you see, what happened was  my friend, Doc, invented a time machine. It keeps on switching to crazy dates, and whenever I try to go back to 1985, it goes to a different year,"Marty explained. "I know you probably don't believe me, but-"

"No we do. Well, we're all 13. I'm Ariana, but I go by Fresh,"I greeted, as we walked out of the alleyway.




     He raised his eyebrows, then shrugged his shoulders. Marty headed back to the car, trying to repair it. Thankfully, he gave us some money, so we could buy some 60's clothes. We thanked him, and waked down the sidewalk I examined my outfit; acid washed jeans, black and white Converse, and a black, low shoulder top.  I just remembered I still had the Jamaican makeup on. Yep, people in the 60's definitely wore those clothes. 

    Dare had on a graphic Mickey tee, so at least that would make sense. Ellie was safe, wearing a pink collared shirt and black skirt, so she was okay too. On the other hand, Emma still had on her sports jacket and baggy jeans. We were definitely fitting in. Note the sarcasm.

     We stopped in our tracks, as we saw a couple fighting. The guy had dark hair *yeah I know 'm using the movie description, hush hush* and a heavy New York accent. The girl had blonde hair, tons of eye shadow, and a Southern drawl. 

     "Sylvia, I can't believe you were two-timing me! We're over, ya dig?!"the young teen boy screamed. " And for real this time."

     "Fine with me,"she spat, then looked over at us. "What are you kids staring at?"

     "Obviously not much,"I snapped. "Why are you callin' us the kids? Least we can tell the difference between one and two boyfriends." And with that, she stomped off. 

     "Thanks for that. The broad was annoying me,"he thanked. "Name's Dallas. Dallas Winston."

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