Chapter 15

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       I didn't know what to say. For once in my life, I forgot all the advice I had gotten from any movie, T.V. show, or relative. I always knew what to say. I was slick and flirty Emma. 

       "Hey kid, how bout we talk outside,"Dally mumbled.

        "No! Do it here. We wanna hear all the juicy details," Fresh deadpanned. Dally rolled his eyes and we walked outside.

       We sat on the steps near the worn out porch. I looked down at my feet and concentrated on the beat up soles of my shoes. I knew I needed to look at him, but I just couldn't. I didn't wanna face the fact he didn't like me. I liked him too much. You know what Emma? You can look up at him, I thought. You've dated millions of guys like Marcus and Tyrone and Blake and Danny and Tim and Johnny and Andre. What's getting rejected by one person gonna do? I summoned my inner Beyonce. If I was gonna get rejected, I was still gonna look good. 

       "Listen, ki- I mean Emma. You're what- 13? I'm 17" Dally started "and you shouldn't date someone like me. I'm gonna let you off easy here." 

        I got up and was about to head back in when he said, "You know it wouldn't have worked out anyways- right?" I nodded and sashayed inside. 

       When I got in, Fresh was dancing along to the music blasting. It was the Beatles. The sound of "I Saw Her Standing There" filled the room with joy. I really needed that. Steve and Ponyboy stood to the side acting amused, while Soda and Two-Bit took over the dance floor.

       "You're so lucky your great uncle worked for the Beatles," Fresh complained. 

       "Yeah he used to work with their manager and stuff. He kinda got a lotta money from that," Dare replied.

                I nodded. Fresh went ranting about how Dare was lucky that she had a relative that met the Beatles. I'd call what she was saying crap, but she was right. I was kinda cheesed that Dare took everything for granted. I couldn't imagine how pissed Fresh was since she is obsessed with the Beatles. 


       Fresh and Ellie were still working on a plan to get us back to 2016 when we got back from shopping. It was already a few past 5 o'clock. They were both drenched in their own sweat. Fresh was experimenting with chemicals. She looked up at us.

      "We got you guys some hydrogen peroxide and hydrazine, just like you asked," I announced and put it on the counter. "It's the real deal. You guys owe me. I had to sell my bracelet to scrap up enough money. Better be worth it."

       A grin spread across Brainiac's face (aka Ellie). Fresh, Dare, and I followed her outside. Ellie still was smiling like she won the lottery after she opened both of the containers. 

        "Get ready to witness science!" Ellie beamed. She mixed them together.

       All of a sudden, I saw a bright flame. I heard the sound of a tiny boom, and there was an explosion. We took a step back. Ellie looked down at her stopwatch. She went from happy to sad in 0.5 seconds. She explained that the explosion didn't generate enough energy to time travel.

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