Chapter 7

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Ponyboy's P.O.V.

     I saw something fall out of Emma's pocket. I bent down to get it. I cocked an eyebrow, a trick I learned from Two-Bit. It wasn't anything like I've seen before. It hadn't even come to me that I was being rude. 

     "Uh, what is this?"I asked. I tried to ask it real politely. 

     I handed it back. Emma's ears got red. She bit a fingernail, and then cleared her throat.

     "Emma, we've got some 'splainin to do,"Ariana joked in an unsteady voice. 

     "I don't know how to say it. You say it." 

     Ariana bit her lips. "Fine. You've gotta promise not to tell anyone." I nodded. "We're from...well don't think we're crazy or anything. Okay, well, we're from the future. I know I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but you seem nice, and I might as well say it. You would've found out one way or another. We're not crazy, I swear, man."

     I nodded, not really knowing what to say. I wouldn't have thought that they were like Dally- the type to get boozed and crash parties and shoplift.  They didn't have stone cold eyes, or looked like the type to hold up a store. That's what it seemed like to me. As far as I knew, there was nothing to it. They were either drunks or liars. And at that moment, I was quite sure they were drunks. Maybe they were just joking. I hoped they were.

     "You guys got me good,"I said, cracking a smile, hoping it was a joke. 

      Their faces tensed up, getting more serious than Darry's. I didn't even know it was possible. I had taken a liking to them. Emma was like Steve, but nicer. Unlike Steve, she didn't pick on me every chance she got. Ariana was practically a mirror image of Two-Bit from what I could tell. She made a witty remark every chance she had, and always had to have her two cents worth. Maybe she liked blondes like he did. 

     "We're being serious. If you don't wanna believe us, go right ahead, but when you find out for yourself, don't come crying to us, with your Matthew McConaughey sounding self,"Emma scoffed.

   My jaw dropped. They definitely weren't like most girls to say the least. Soda's girlfriend, Sandy, was always soft spoken and had naturally blond hair. They also weren't like most greaser girls, that swore too much, and had obnoxious laughs and acted tough. They landed in the middle. I wasn't sure if they were our kind- greaser- or middle class. The girls sure couldn't have been nasty Socs. Socs were cruel, and always drove around in Mustangs or Corvairs. Socs were the people that beat up Johnny, and the reason he was afraid of his own shadow. 

     I wasn't sure whether to believe Emma or not. She had an honest face, and a welcoming smile. Ariana had blazing brown eyes, that I was starting to realize she rolled a lot, and a sweet smile. I had just met them, so I couldn't just trust them. Still, I felt like I could open up to them. Maybe it's because they're younger. They had left me speechless, so I just stood there, waiting for something smart to come out of my mouth. 

     "You keeping these ladies company?" Soda hopped into the room, with a smile on his face. There was no response. "Okay girls, how's he treating y'all? He better be keeping you company."

     "Yeah- he's uh fine. I'm fine," Ariana stammered. I rolled my eyes. Soda was always making girls nervous with his movie star appearance, something I could never do. 

     I could tell Soda knew she liked him, because he wrapped an arm around her. He usually did that teasingly, just to see girls' reactions. They'd usually blush, and let out little yelps. Then, he'd give them a goofy grin, and let go. To my surprise, she escaped his grip and headed for Darry's room. 

     Emma rushed in there. Might as well check on her, I thought. I jogged over there, trying to brace myself. I remembered last week, when Sandy came over to our house. Soda was wearing a checkered shirt, real nice, and had way too much grease in his hair. Before heading over to the Dingo, Sandy asked if her shirt looked nice. He said he "dug it." She must've taken that the wrong way, because she was hollering at him before I knew it. I think she might've even cussed at him. I don't quite recall. 

Dare's P.O.V. 

     "What's wrong, Fresh?" I asked, wrapping my hand around her shoulder.


      "Come on tell me the truth. Truth! Truth! Truth!" I chanted.

     She just shrugged her shoulders. I didn't know why she just rushed into the room like that. I did know that she didn't like rats. Maybe there was a rat. Oh, I am terrific at communicating with mice! I just sing a little song, and they scurry out the door. It couldn't be that though, because she  knew I was a professional animal whisperer. 

     "What's wrong? You okay?" Ponyboy asked in a worried voice, entering the room. She nodded.

     Well, maybe she really was fine. I continued singing my song and sweeping the dusty floor. Besides, Fresh always seemed fine. She smiled a bunch, and never stopped making her comments. I didn't understand some of the jokes she made, but that was fine by me. Emma and Ellie always laughed at any jokes she made about me, which didn't really bother me. I didn't really understand those either.

     Night time approached. Oh, I just adore night time! It made me think of my pet rabbit back home. I live in a large house, which is basically a mansion. It is painted all white, indoors and outdoors. When you first enter, there's a grand staircase leading to the bedrooms in the middle On the right side, there's the dining room. My mom always laughs when she breaks the china there. Behind the staircase is the kitchen, where my nanny whips up scrambled eggs. I have a nanny, because my mom is a doctor, and my dad is a lawyer. They both work all day, and someone has to watch over me. The last time I was left alone, I burned down the kitchen accidentally. On the left side is the living room, where I watch TV and sit by the fireplace when it's cold. 

     In my room, there's my bed. I only have a queen sized bed. It's covered in white sheets and white blankets. I have tiny circular pink pillows on it. Then, there's my desk area I use for homework and reading books about animals. Next to it is my vanity, with a sitting area and everything. Then there are these tiny stairs that lead up to this balcony area that's still in my bedroom. It's really cool, since I get to look at my bedroom from a higher distance. Up there is a mini fridge, some snacks, and my music collection. 

     We usually hang at my house or Ariana's. I've only been to Emma's house once, and only went over to Ellie's house twice. Emma's parents don't like having company over too much, because that meant they had to cook a huge meal. At least they feel like they had to do it. 

     Ponyboy was reading a book called Gone With the Wind on the couch. I've only seen Ariana and Emma reading it. Ellie hated reading for some reason. I love reading about mice. One day, I hope to become a professional at taking care of animals. I think they're called dermatologists or something like that. Ariana always writes, which beats me. Above all, I like to sing and act. Not to brag, but I am a pretty good actress. I was just in one of the school plays in 6th grade! Of course, it was a musical. 

     Ponyboy looked up from his book. 

     "Oh that's right, you guys need some sleepwear,"he realized.

     He headed over to his room, and jogged back with over sized shirts and pants. He tossed Ellie, Emma and I Soda and Darry's shirts. 

     "Here, you can have my shirt," Ponyboy offered Fresh, as he grabbed his shirt from the other room.

     I ship it, I thought. I ship it so hard. OTP! Fresh smiled, and accepted it. Emma and I exchanged smirks along with Ellie. I have experience with guys. Emma is the expert, but I've dated too. In fact, Fresh is the only one who hasn't dated. It looked like that was going to change. For some reason, she didn't want to say she wanted someone else. Emma said it was because she was independent. Even Ellie dated before. She looks pretty old for 13. She passed off for a junior in high school once, in order to get us into a party. It's so weird, because high school guys think she's around their age, and they crush on her. She was living Emma's dream basically.

     I plopped myself on the bed. We all said our goodnights. Emma shut off the lights, as we all drifted to sleep.

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