What? Chap. 2

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Five people stood around an Altean Princess, three of them being completely normal humans, one that has an alien arm, and one more Altean.

"Alright, now that all of you have obtained your lions," Princess Allura said, "you must find the final paladin to the Red Lion in which I still must find."

The human with an alien arm replied, "We will find the Red Paladin for the lion, princess."

The shorter human spoke up, "But Shiro, where are we going to find a person who is willing to become a paladin of Voltron, who is the defender of the universe?"

"Not to mention that the Lion has to choose the person." The heavyset man said.

"Hey, we probably need to find a human because the alien races that can be a paladin are either extinct or evil." The hispanic man agreed. "We obviously can't get another human, we are atleast a thousand lightyears away from Earth!" (A/N: Apparently a lightyear is 5.8 79*10 to the 12th power, as an exponent, miles. Just wanted to say 😄)

"Lance is right," the big man said. "We can't exactly travel to Earth, find someone that can be accepted by a giant red lion, and travel back to fight the galra. It seems impossible!"

Shiro turned to the princess. "Allura," he said, "what are the characteristics of the Red Paladin?"

The princess thought for a moment, then responded. "The Red Lion is tempermental, faster, and more agile than the rest of the Lions. It is also very unstable. The Red Paladin needs to be one who relies on instinct rather that skill alone."

"So," the large man started, "basically we need to find someone who is willing to control a raging cat and throw away all the skills that he's learned in exchange for natural instinct?"

"Hunk!" The shortest teen exclaimed. "It's not like that!"

"Then what is it about, Pidge?" Lance asked.

"Well, umm.... It's like... Uh..." He looked urgently at Allura, Shiro, and Corran, the other Altean.

Suddenly Allura spoke up quickly, but it wasn't what anyone was expecting. "I feel the Red Lion." She announced.

Everyone forgot the dispute and looked at her. "Where?" They all asked.

"It seems to be, heading towards us?" She said confused.

"Towards us, princess?" Corran asked. "Are you sure?"

"I'm quite sure," she said, "but the castle is really old, I can't tell exactly, but the signal is coming from right outside the atmosphere of Arus. (Or is it Ares?)" Allura then turned to the paladin. "Paladins! It's time to suit up and bring the Red Lion down here."


The paladins (except Shiro since his lion isn't unlocked yet) all flew out of their hangars towards the signal of the Red Lion.

They were silent the entire ride until Lance decided to break the silence, "So, if the Lion is moving, should it already have a paladin?" He paused, then continued when no one answered, "If it does have a paladin, what are we going to tell him?"

"Or her!" Pidge piped in.

"Sorry Pidge," Lance said doubtfully, "But I don't think we'll be having any feminine friends other than Allura out here."

(Obviously, little did they know Pidge is a girl.) Pidge pouted but didn't say anything else.


Hey, I'm sorry this chappie is so short, but I wanted to get something out since I've been waiting so long. Writers Block had me in a firm grip and wouldn't let go, but I've finally gotten free.

I think the next chapter will be a bit longer. Sorry for the lack of Keithak or Keith in this chap. Anyway, until next time!


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