Red Paladin Chap. 3

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      Keithak exited the wormhole and continued flying towards the planet in front of him. I think its a planet. He thought. His severe blood loss was making him dizzy and blurring his vision.

      He shrugged and shifted into a more Altean form. He sighed as it used up more energy than usual. Maybe I could get help down there, Keithak thought hopefully, after all, as long as I stay in my Altean form, they might think I'm a fugitive and they might help me.

      At that moment, the world decided to shift and spin, causing a severe headache to explode in his brain. He let out a small cry of pain and the red lion sped up, flying faster towards the planet.

      Through his blurred vision, he saw 3 colored blobs flying to him. There was a green one, a blue one, and a yellow one.

      There was a small static like sound filling the cockpit before a picture appeared on a screen. His eyes betrayed him by not allowing a clear picture of the person in the screen, but he was able to make out an Altean female with white-silver hair.

      "Hello, I am Princess Allura of Planet Altea." The Altean said.

      Princess? He thought dizzily. Of... Altea?

      "Do you know what you're flying?" Allura asked.

      He groaned in pain. "Uh, last I checked, I was flying a giant Red lion."

      "Alright, have you- are you Altean?" She suddenly asked.

      Keithak's face grew hot and his breathing became more labored. I think I already have a fever. "Yeah, yeah," he said breathlessly, "I'm Altean, can-can you help me?"

      Her eyes widened. "Of course we can help you! I already sent out 3 other paladins to retrieve you."

      Keithak nodded. So those blobs were the paladins. Pain flared in his side. He gritted his teeth and leaned forward. A comforting purr echoed in the cockpit as Keithak leaned back, let out a sigh, and lost consciousness. A couple worried statements came from the princess, but he was already claimed by the darkness so he couldn't understand them.


      Allura turned to the screen showing the moving signal of the red lion. After the 3 paladins were dispatched, she tried to get in contact with the person inside the lion. If it's moving, then it should have a paladin.

      Soon we can form Voltron! She thought excitedly.

      After a few tries, she got in touch with the pilot. "Hello, I am Princess Allura of Planet Altea. Do you know what you're flying?" She asked.

      The pilot groaned. "Uh, last I checked, I was flying a giant Red lion."

      So, does he know the story of Voltron? "Alright, have you-" she suddenly took in his appearance. The princess noticed he had pointed ears and, the most startling feature, red Altean marking under his red-pupiled eyes. "Are you Altean?" Allura asked.

      "Yeah, yeah," he said, his breathing seeming labored. "I'm Altean, can-can you help me?"

      Her eyes widened, why wouldn't she help her own kind? "Of course we can help you!" She exclaimed. "I already sent out 3 other paladins to retrieve you."

      The pilot nodded, but randomly leaned forward. His eyes filled with pain. "Are-are you alright?" The princess asked, concerned. He didn't answer. The male Altean leaned back in his chair and slowly closed his eyes with a sigh of relief. "Are you hurt?" She asked again. He seemed to have lost consciousness.

      Allura quickly cut the connection with the supposedly injured pilot and contacted the paladins flying out to him. "Pidge, Hunk, Lance!" She said. "The pilot of the red lion is injured! You must get him back to the castle!"

      "Of course, princess!" Pidge replied.

      The 3 lions sped up to the, now immobile, red lion. The yellow lion quickly grabbed the red one and began flying back to the castle.


      After the yellow lion put down the red lion, Red leaned down and opened its mouth, allowing Coran and Princess Allura to hustle inside and carry out the unconscious paladin.

      They took him inside the castle with the 3 paladins following behind. (A/N: It was at this point that I realized I haven't said anything about Shiro... Whoops😅) As they took him to the cryostatis pods (or healing pods, whatever you want to say), Shiro joined them on the way there. He was in the training room the whole time.

      "Will he be ok?" Hunk asked after they got the pilot onto a table of some kind.

      "He has lost alot of blood," Coran replied, checking his side wound. "But as long as we get him into a pod, he should be ok."

      At that moment, the pilot woke up and his eyes widened. "W-what are you doing?"

      "We're going to put you in a cryostatis pods to help you recover." Pidge said.

      He quickly shook his head. "No, no, don't put me in there!" He panicked.

      "What? Are you scared of those pods, or something?" Lance asked.

      "Kid, Coran and the princess has to get you in a pod or you will die," Shiro said. "It's the only way."

      "Then I'll stitch myself up!" The pilot pressed, trying to sit up.

      Allura frowned and gently pushed him down. "Now, now, calm down." She soothed. "If you're afraid of the pod, then go to sleep now so you don't have to watch us put you there."

      "Princess! He's losing blood," Coran explained, pushing a towel against the wound. "He needs a pod, now."

      "Why don't you want to go in a pod?" Hunk asked gently.

      He male Altean hesitated. "I-I just can't." He stopped then swallowed uncomfortably. "I-Its complicated."


      I can't let them know I'm part Galra! Keithak thought. If I go into a pod, I will probably loose control over my shapeshifting ability and turn into my natural form! I can't let them see it!

      "You need a pod, now." The man with a puff of white hair said.

      "N-no!" Keithak gasped out in pain, flailing his limbs. The man picked him up and carried him to a pod. The red paladin panicked and struggled, but in his weakened state, he couldn't do much.

      He set him in and quickly closed it. "Let me out!" Keithak shouted.

      He just shook his head. "It's for your own good." He simply said.

      The others gathered around the man and watched the young Altean as he soon drifted off.


      Well, I atleast got something done. Thank you to cherryblossomavenue for reminding me of the name of them healing pods. I seriously couldn't remember.

      Whelp, poor Keithak, shoved into a healing pod against his will. FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IN CASTLE OF LIONS CHAP. 4!!

Stay cool!

~Fash 😜

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