Princess Allura Chap. 5

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      "What's your name?" The princess asked.

      "I respond to Keith." Keithak said.

      The Princess narrowed her eyes. "But that's not your real name, is it?"

      "Lets call it a nickname." He replied.

      "Alright, Keith, where did you find the Red Lion? And where were you before that?" She asked sharply.

      "Princess Allura, calm down. If he's truly Altean, his name will not matter." Her advisor, Coran, said.

      She nodded stiffly. "Where did you find the Red Lion?"

      "On a galra ship." Keithak replied. "Commander Sendak's Ship."

      "Commander Sendak?" Allura whispered. Then she asked, "How did you get into his ship and where were you before that?"

      Keithak thought about his answer carefully. I cannot let them know that I am Galran. "I was a prisoner of the Galran Empire. I escaped and snuck into his ship where I hid until I found the lion."

      Princess Allura leaned forward a bit. "How did you escape?"

      He narrowed his eyes. "Believe it or not, not all Galrans support Zarkon's ways. It was a commander that helped me escape." Not to mention my father, but I already revealed too much!

      "A commander?!" She asked, shocked. "How can a commander be a traitor to Zarkon?!"

      "He bided his time, allowing Zarkon to trust him more." Keithak said. "He's a double agent."

      The princess nodded thoughtfully. "I see. You don't happen to know where these rebels are and what they are called, do you?"

      Keithak smiled. "Of course I know what they are called." After all, my father works for them.

      "Who are they?" Allura pressed.

      He narrowed his eyes. "I was sworn secrecy." Obviously I wasn't, but I'm not going to tell her that. "I can't reveal anything." The Blades of Marmora trusts me to keep them a secret, if I tell someone, the know that that person is trustworthy.

      Allura narrowed her eyes. She stared into Keithak's eyes until, "Alright." She then turned away. "Go ask Shiro to take you to your room."

      He nodded and walked out the door.


      "This is your room." Shiro walked inside a room that was pretty basic. There was a bed, a dresser, and just a hook to hold a jacket or something.

      Keithak followed Shiro inside and saw his belongings already there. He turned to Shiro. "Uh, thanks."

      Shiro nodded. "If you ever need anything, just ask." Then he left.

       Keithak turned and closed the door. He made sure it was locked before letting his disguise slip.

      He spend most of his life in his galra form so it's easier to shift into than his altea form. His "natural" form is being altean with feline ears, purple splotches, and a single yellow eye. His other eye is mostly altean with a red marking underneath. If he was being honest with himself, he was a hideous and disgusting hybrid in both Galran and Altean standards.

      Keithak sighed and began going through his stuff to make sure everything was there. He pulled out his dagger and sat on the bed, studying it. He hasn't awakened the blade, yet. And yet they still trust me. I guess it's all in the reputation of my father.

Whoops, I didn't realize this chapter was so short! Sorry about that! Next chapter, Sendak comes to planet Arus!

Thanks for reading!
~Fash 😘

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