Chapter 6

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It's an Altean and Galran Keith made by FanFictionPsycho

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It's an Altean and Galran Keith made by FanFictionPsycho

Thank you soooooo much! He's so beautiful!

Alright, time to start the chapter. I'm sorry this took so long, please don't kill me!


      It has been 2 quintents (days) since Keithak arrived at the Castle of Lions. He settled in quite nicely, but he still had small problems with this.... Lance.

      This guy seemed to try and get on Keithak's nerves. It was annoying to say the least. He also seems really full of himself and holds his skills in high expectation.

      The female, Pidge, her name was, she was pretty cool, considering that she was the same species as this Lance. She knew a lot about tech and was especially interested him alien tech.

      Hunk, the big guy, is caring. He answers any questions Keithak has as fully as he can and even asks Keithak questions about certain plants that seem to be on the castle.

      Now, Shiro, is an interesting character. He doesn't seem like the bloodthirsty warrior everyone depicts him as. Instead, he seems more like the father kind, giving motivation to the team, praises, and he's a natural born leader. (😅 I added a bit of space-dad for no reason)

      Keithak stood in the corner of the training room watching everyone spar. Since there was an uneven amount of paladins, one has to sit out for a turn while the rest sparred. The one that had to sit out was Keith.

      As he stood there, he watched how they fight. They each had a unique fighting style. It's probably because they have different weapons. He scowled. Idiot! Of course it's because they have different weapons!

      He observed how they fought each other until the session was over. "Hah! I totally destroyed you Hunk!" Lance boasted as he walked to the door. "You didnt stand a chance against my superior shooting skills!"

      Hunk shrugged. "I mean, I dunno, Lance, you seemed pretty clumsy with that thing today." Which was true, Lance did seem to be fumbling around with his blaster alot more. Alot more than usual anyway.

      Lance rolled his eyes. "Only because I was just trying something new!" He stopped near were Keith was standing and took a water pouch from a small table. "Besides, I think I did pretty well with my new style."

      Hunk snickered, "Yeah, okay Lance. I just have a feeling that you were trying to show off to a certain somebody, huhh?"

      Lance's face turned a tomato red and he quickly turned to Hunk and thrusted a finger to his chest. "Hunk! Keep your voice down!" He whisper-hissed. "I'm not trying to show off to anyone! Well except Allura, but shes not here right now! So I'm obviously not showing off for anyone!"

      Hunk's eyes flicked to Keith for a split second then back to Lance. His face split into a wide grin. "Suuure Lance, you keep telling yourself that."

      Meanwhile, Keith ignored Lance and Hunk's conversation and watched Shiro and Pidge spar. He watched the way Shiro fought and realized that it was very different from the way his fighting style was portrayed in the arena. Granted, hes never watched Shiro fight, but lets just say that he's been known to fight dirty, really dirty.

      Shiro and Pidge finished their match and joined the other three against the wall by the water pouches. Shiro stretched and groaned. "I think that's enough training for one day." The rest of the group agreed and they all began to walk out the door. "How about some lunch?" Shiro asked.

      "Ooh! I can whip us up something!" Hunk said excitedly. "I've been learning about all sorts of plants that are in the castle and I think I can make something close to burgers."

      "What are... burgers?" Keith asked Hunk.

      "Its like a sandwich but better!" Lance hurriedly explained.

      Keith still looked confused. "Well what's a sandwich?"

      Lance gasped and put a hand to his chest. "What do you mean what's a sandwich?! Did you live under a rock or something?"

      Keith scowled. "Well nevermind. I dont think I want to know anymore."

      Before Lance could open his mouth again, Hunk jumped in. "A sandwich is basically some food between two slices of bread. You can put anything between them and it is still technically a sandwich! You can put beef, bacon, lettuce, cheese, tofu, sausage..." Hunk kept listing off stuff that can be put into sandwiches when Lance popped back up.

      "Sandwiches are awesome! It's really good and I'm sure Hunk will be able to make us something close to burgers for us." Keith just nodded and thought about what's going on around him and these strange people.

      Right before they made it to the kitchen, alarms began going off. The paladins exchanged looks of confusion and worry before dashing to the control room where Allura and Coran waited.

      "What's going on?" Shiro demanded.

      Allura was facing a screen reading some stuff on it. "It seems that a Galran command cruiser along with a small battalion of ships has entered the system. They're right outside the atmosphere."

      Okay so I havent written anything in a long time. Like 2 years or something and I'm sorry. It also seems like someone else used my account for a little bit which is absolutely horrible and I apologize to those people that got insulted or offended.
      I dont know where this story is going to go really, i can try to update it when i can, but I'm going to need to watch the whole Voltron series again.
      Again i apologize for being inactive, but idk how long I will stay active so be ready for anything I guess.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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