Castle of Lions Chap. 4

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I finished watching the second season of Voltron. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Anyway, you all will know how I feel when you guys finish the season. I won't spoil anything....

      Keithak woke up after promptly falling face first onto the floor. "Ow." He muttered, rubbing his nose. Hitting his nose cause tears to jerk to his eyes. He sat up and continued rubbing his nose until the tears were blinked away.

      Then he noticed the man with the white hair in front of him. Keithak was finally able to take in the details. The man seemed to have enough muscle and he had black hair, save for the white puff st the front. He also had... A galra prosthetic?

      Wait, Galran prosthetic..... Champion?

      The Champion reached a hand down. "Whoops, sorry for not catching you there." He apologized. "I just came back into the room."

      Keithak quickly realized where he was and checked his skin. He sighed with relief when he saw no purple at all.

      "Are you alright?" Keithak looked up and saw the Champion with his arm still outstretched. He quickly stood up and dusted himself off without taking the hand.

      "Yeah, yeah. I-I'm fine." He said quickly, averting his eyes to the floor. "W-Where am I?"

      "Oh, you're in the Castle of Lions. I am Shiro, the black paladin." Champion- no, Shiro said.

      Keithak nodded. "Ok." He gazed around the room until his eyes settled on the door. He weakly started after it. A hand softly clamped down on his shoulder. Keithak flinched and looked back.

      "Hey, what's your name?" Shiro asked.

      "I'm.... Keith." He said, wiping Shiro's hand off his shoulder, then continuing his walk back to the door.

      "Keith? That's it?" The black paladin followed him.

      "What were you expecting?" Keithak asked, rather rudely.

      They reached the door and exited, walking to the main room. Keithak followed his senses to the room then stopped.

      There were 3 other people sitting in the common room, talking. Shiro walked into the room. "Pidge, Lance, Hunk! The red paladin is up."

      3 heads turned in that direction. Keithak felt uncomfortable under their eyes. They got up and came over to him.

      A tall, thin, dark-skinned boy looked down on him. "Hey, I'm Lance, best pilot of all the paladins, and best looking."

      The short female looked up at him. (Yes, Keithak knows Pidge is a girl, but thinks everyone else does too.) She adjusted her glasses before beginning. "That's a lie, Lance, but I'm just going to file that as showing off. Hello, I am Pidge, pilot of the Green Lion."

      Keithak blinked. Pidge? Is Pidge an appropriate name for a female human? Weird. He was just about to say something concerning the name when he was interrupted.

      A dark-skinned, heavyset human stepped up, albeit a bit nervously. "I am Hunk. I-I pilot the Yellow Lion."

      Keithak nodded. I guess it's time for my introduction. "I am Keith." He paused and shrugged. "I guess I pilot the Red Lion."

      He was just about to ask about his stuff when suddenly, the doors opened and out came the Altean Princess and her... advisor? "Paladins!" She said. "We need- oh." Her eyes settled on Keithak. "You're awake." The Princess looked at her advisor and a silent message seemed to pass between them. "Paladins, I believe Coran and I have to speak to the red paladin."

      There was a chorus of 'ok's' and 'sure's before the room was clear. Keithak turned to them. "What do you want?" He crossed his arms, waiting.

      The princess cleared her throat. "Your name, and information, on where you came from."

      Keithak's eyes widened. "O-Ok."

Sorry this chappie was a bit short, I just needed something to update and all.


HOLY HECK!! KEITH TRULY IS GALRAN!! WHOA!!! Then again, it was kinda obvious.

I can't believe Shiro is MIA. Prince Lotor exists... Wow. This is crazy, everything is crazy... Just leave your comments about what you think.


Anyway, I have ideas for the next chapter so, hopefully that will come soon. See ya!

~Fash 😘

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