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"You want me to what?" I couldn't help but stand up causing my chair to overturn. Noah glares at me from across the dinner table. "You heard me, Hayley, I want you to kill him." I stare back down at the folder he had handed me.

"But he's a FBI agent. Do you know what will happen to me if I'm caught." Noah rolled his eyes. "Does it look like I care?" I pick my chair up and sit down.

"Why do you even want him dead?" I pick up my glass of red wine and take a sip. I had alway preferred red wine over any other type. "He killed my brother. Aaron Hotchner beat my brother up to a bloody stump. He's the reason my brother is dead." Noah stabbed the piece of stake with his fork. His teeth were grinding together as he talked.

I take another sip of the wine. "What do I get out of this 'job'?" I ask tilting my head to the side. He stares for a moment before a smirk forms in her face.

"You get the thrill of killing an FBI agent and never getting caught." I roll my eyes. "There better be more than that." Noah reaches into in his back pocket pulling out a thick envelope.

He throw it across the table. I open the envelope and do a quick estimate,$50,000. "That's just a down payment. If you fulfill my requirements I'll give you another $50,000." I tried to pretend like the amount of money was no big deal. But who was I kidding I need that money bad.

"So what do you say Hayley are you in or out you out?" I looked back down at the envelop resting right in my hand. I needed this money so bad. I had nothing left.

"I'll do it, but I also want a one way ticket to Wales when it's all over. I want out of the country." Noah smirked, "That can be arranged. So de we have a deal."

He held his hand out for me to shake. There was no way I could turn this offer down. I reached out and shock his hand. "Wonderful. You have one month to complete the task at hand. If you do not complete the task consider that $50,000 and plane ticket long gone. Understand?"

I nod my head a smirk forming on my face. "Don't worry Noah. It's never taken me more than a week and a half to get the job done." Noah nods in approval, "Good because I don't like to be keep waiting."

First Chapter what do you guys think?

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