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Reid's pov

I sat waiting impatiently in the meeting room. The entire team was there except Hotch. "I wonder what this is about? Do you think it has to do with Hayley?" Morgan asked me. I shrug my shoulders. "Your guess is as good as mine." Hotch runs into the meeting room out of breath. "Read this." He chokes out handing it to Garcia.

"Dear Aaron,
I know I had someone out and about trying to kill you but I've decided to show a little mercy. Not that I actually had any intubation if killing you. This was all just a oh what's the word distraction. See the really target was Hayley Walters. While you were so worried about her killing you, you didn't even see the clues that showed she was the one needing to be saved. Although a girl like her shouldn't be saved for all the crimes she has committed. Ah well thank you for being a decoy. Have a nice life Aaron." The entire team was shocked. Hotch was never the target it was Hayley. "Garcia I need you to go through all the people Hayley has come into contact with. Someone wants her dead I want to know who."

Garcia's eyes widened. "Sir she's a know hitman. The list of people is probably very long." Hotch shock his head. "This isn't just about someone she killed. This sounds personal. She pissed off someone." Garcia nodded and began to furiously type.

I was worried about Hayley. I did care about her even though she was a bad person. There was something good in her that I saw. I think and I hate to think this but I think I was falling in love with her. "Sir I think I found something." Garcia says catching everyone's attention.

"Last year Hayley filed a report about being raped. The a fenders  name is Sam Jackson. He was sentenced to house arrest because there wasn't any solid evidence against him. However right after this happened his parents cut of the weekly check they were sending him. He died a few months ago. However his older brother Noah Jackson was taking care of Sam when he got sick. I think his brother is out for revenge."

Hotch nodded, "This has to be our guy. Garcia can you send-" he was cut off by his phone buzzing. "Already done Sir." Hotch just smiled. "Alright everyone let's go. We want to try and get them both out alive." We all nodded

I was starting to worry about Hayley. Hotch seemed to think this guy had her and that just didn't sit right with me. I couldn't stand the thought of her trapped somewhere. I had to help her and I was going to get her out of this alive.

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