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Reid's pov

A loud knock sounded on my apartment door. I groan standing up to see who it was. "Hey Morgan what's up?" I ask letting him into my apartment. He gave me a quick hug seeming relived that I was here.

"Reid I think there's something you should know about Hayley." He seemed worried about telling me whatever it was. "Morgan what is it?" Morgan sat down on the chair in the living room. I stood patently waiting.

"Reid Hayley has a criminal record from the time she was sixteen when she dropped out of high school. She's got robbery carjacking and a case for murder but the chargers were dropped." I shake my head not believing what he was saying. Hayley was to nice to have any kind of record. It had to be a mistake. "Reid there's no record of her after she turned eighteen."

He let out a deep sigh. He always hates giving me bad news. "No that can't be right. Hayley is the sweetest nicest girl I've meet. Garcia must have made a mistake." But deep down I knew Garcia doesn't make mistakes. All her research was correct. "Reid-" he was cut off by our phones telling us to come to the office. We both head out the door in silence.


The entire team was sitting around the table when Morgan and I walked in. Hotch was standing by the tv waiting for us to arrive. "What's this about Hotch? I didn't think we had another case till tomorrow." Rossi asked seeming just as confused as the rest of us.

I looked over to Garcia she always knew about our cases but she wouldn't look at me. It must be because if Hayley. She might feel guilty for sending Morgan to come check on me. "I think I know who it trying to kill me. I'm not sure who her employer is but if I'm right it shouldn't be to hard to figure out."

Hotch gave me a sympathetic look. I wonder why. "Garcia." He says and she grabs the remote putting Hayley's picture on the screen. I couldn't help but gasp and shake my head. "No Hotch it's not her. Hayley would never hurt anyone. There has to be some kind of mistake. Maybe someone is setting her up." I was so desperate to believe it wasn't her that I hadn't noticed a few tears had fallen from my eyes.

"Spence it's going to be ok we'll figure it out." J.J. said reassuringly. I shock my head. "No J.J. this isn't going to be ok. None of this makes sense. I'm going to go talk to her." Garcia was in her computer typing away when she stopped. "Hotch I think I know her employer is." She put another picture on the tv. "This is Noah Gram. She's had a serious of phone calls and texts and Spencer it's not looking good." She put up some of the texts. Everything pointing to her going after Hotch.

"I'm still going to go talk to her." Hotch grabbed my arm. "I can't let you do that. Right now she thinks that we have no idea who she is. We need to keep it that way. Is she thinks we suspect her she'll run and we'll have no way of finding her." I knew he was right but I was so hurt. This wasn't fair. Why did I have to fall for the girl that was trying I kill my boss.

"Here's what we are going to do." Hotch said about to tell us how this last week was going to go. "Reid is going to continue seeing Hayley. Garcia you are going to monitor her texts to Noah just to make sure nothing changes. The rest of us are going to come up with a plan to catch Hayley. Everyone understand?" We all nod our heads. This was the only way we could keep Hotch alive.

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