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Reid's pov

The team sat in the meeting room waiting for Hotch. He was late and every one was starting to get worried. "Where is Hotch? And what is the point of this?" Morgan says standing up. The second question was fired at Garcia. She always knew what our next case was about. "I don't know Hotch just told me to call you guys in." She says just as confused as the rest of us.

Hotch walked in, "Sorry I'm late." He walked to the front of the table. There was a piece of paper in his hand. "I think I'm being targeted." Every states at Hotch in confusion. "What do you mean?" Morgan asks sitting back down.

In stead of answering Hotch reads what was on the paper in his hand. "Dear my helpless victim,
You have no idea who I am, but I know everything about you. I have been paid to kill you by a mutual acquaintance. You see you have killed there brother and now they want revenge. You have no idea when I'll strike or how so I would alway be prepared if I were you.
Love Your one and only killer." No one said anything. We were all trying to take apart the note.

"Can I see the note?" Hotch slides the note across the table to me. I looked over it. I couldn't get much from it since it was printed. "Well it sounds like a women," Morgan said, "there's to much emotion to be a man."

"Yes but it's very rare for women contract killers. Less then 11% are women." I say passing the note the Emily. She scanned over it and passed it along. "Well I think she's right. Were not going to figure out who she is. We should start looking into men that you've killed with brothers." Garcia nods her head. "Alright I'll start cross checking." She stood up but Hotch stopped her.

"We still have an actual case to go over." Everyone stares at him in confusion. "Hotch this is an active case." Morgan says. "I realize that, but there are people that need us."

No one likes the idea of this but we didn't question it. "Alright lets review the case then." Rossi say. He clearly didn't like the idea but wasn't going to say anything.

Sorry for the shorter chapter. This is just a filler till Monday. How did you like Reid's pov?
Next update: Monday

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