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"Are you crazy? Why would you be on your own like that!?" Sam looked down at Mel with his strong black eyes, the small hinted hue of blue around the edges that would always make her sink into them. They weren't normal, she should have noticed that before. But somehow even though she did, it never even crossed her mind to mention them. When she's around Sam it's almost as if she's in a trance. Mel can't control her emotions or her body, its as though ice has frozen her into place, locking her from ever disobeying him. Yet she still does. That is the problem with Mel, she cant stop herself from doing wrong. It's practically second nature for her. His grip tightened on her bony wrist, it felt forced to hurt her, to get some sort of reply from her barely focused mind. She could feel him loosen slightly when she did nothing but look down away from his patronizing stare.

"Fine. Just don't do it again or next time I won't be as compassionate." He didn't even bother looking at her again before he walked off into the direction of the Library; his usual hibernation spot. Standing there Mel finally looked up to see Jonah and Tony watching her with confused looks.

"Thats what he calls compassionate?" Mel remarked. Her face relaxed after realizing she had been glaring right where Sam had been stood. Jonah smiled a whithery smile, it was as though he wanted to laugh at her awful remark, but this time it was too serious. He ran his hand through his hair nervously, thinking of something to say.

Jonah was tall. Being someone who has never met his parents before Mel thought they must be reasonably tall too. He always somehow managed to be taller than most people that she had ever met, although it might just be because of who he is. Maybe others like him are the same. Blonde hair was messily placed on his head like he has just been through a storm. But it still looked perfect. Mel had always thought to herself that if her hair had that ability then she wouldn't have a care in the world. However, strangely it was exactly the same colour as hers, golden tones running in and out of the ends, browns that shimmered in the light. She use to get called goldie locks at school because of it. I suppose it was a mediocre compliment, but in her opinion being called someone who broke into a house, ate their food and slept in their beds wasn't a compliment. Not to mention the fact that they get eaten by bears because of it. In her version at least.

Mel's hair had always been long, her mother would always make her try loads of different hair cuts and styles when she was younger but always refrained from cutting it too much. She said it had some sort of aurora to it, made it more her. Although she knew she wanted Mel to suddenly come home from school was a fashioable chic cut above her shoulders. In the messy state which it always is, it reaches just above her belly button. Not being able to remember the last time she brushed it she knew if she tried it would be a difficult task.

Jonah is the same age as Mel too, but that's just a coincidence. They had their 17th birthday together a couple of months ago last summer, due to our birthdays being ridiculously close. Let's just say waking up on the roof of our house with an umbrella taped to Mel's back wasn't the most reassuring thing for her to wake up to. Obviously during the time in which she was drunk, she probably thought I could fly. Sam was not happy with this. He never is when there is a party and Mel is somewhat involved. She wasn't allowed out of his sight for weeks after that. He is such a killjoy she always thought. But after today, she now knew why.

Tony however was the outcast of the four of them. He was a gamer, computer know it all and just plain hilarious. When it comes to something serious, you cant help but laugh with him. Samuel thinks he is a disaster, Mel and Jonah beg a differ. He's always there to make you laugh after realizing you've failed a really important exam or just anything really. I guess you could say he's a savior in that sense, Mel would always think. Even though he was Sams brother they looked nothing alike. Tony had curly dark brown hair, whereas Sam had hair so black it almost looked blue in certain lighting. Tony was skinny and average height, Sam more stable and strong when it came to his body.

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