Chapter 6. Silver feathers.

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So yeah that's my life practically so far...


'How long are we going to be here for?'

'Until the morning. We cant stay out here forever, it's an even bigger risk'

'Then why dont we go back to the house?!'

'Look Kahlia, you have to trust us!' Sam was getting angry now. His muscles were tensing all up his arms through his black T-shirt. 'Uhh....Sorry' Everytime i said that word i could hear someone laughing at me within the walls of my head. Probably the angels. 'Whatever just get inside' Sam and Tony walked stright past me into the cabin. Practically pushing me out the way. What the heck was i to them? One minute they loved me and cared for me, the next they hated me. Then again i am half of their worst nightmare. But they can suck it, they've could've given up on me years ago, yet they didn't. The reason why i am still here today.

Why the human race is still here today. 

My feet clambered up the steps into the cabin, as a whirl of strong pine fluttered through my nose. I felt like a lost boy from peter pan, this was incredible. The funished chairs and tables perfectly created out of a deep brown chestnut wood. I made my way to the chairs and dived onto them. The cusions grabbed my body putting me into a deep sleep mode. They were so comfy. 'You guys can do whatever i am just gonna sleep...' Before i knew my closed eyelids were turning into dreams...


Jonahs POV

She looked so still, so silent. Yet beautiful. She was my enemy. My mind couldnt quite say this because my feelings for her were so strong. Why did Sam always have to ruin the good moments? Was he jealous? What are they like alone together? My eyes could see the way he looks at her. Right now infact, as he sits in the big armchair by the fire place. His eyes would wonder upon her golden locks of hair and slim porcaline skin. Her smudged mascara and eyeliner from the day had been held into perfect position. She lay there like an angel....Oh wait she is. It's were the saying comes from 'sleeps like an angel' when the angels starting dying in the war, they looked so beautiful even when they were dead. 

'She cant hear a word we say now' I looked up to see Sam still starring at her gentle body.

'How do you know?' Tony came from around the corner of the fridge with whipped cream half in and out of his mouth.

'Her heartbeat has slowed down. When an angel is fully asleep their heart will slow down alot, so they are almost dead. It's so us demons wont try and kill them, we think they are already dead' 

'Bullshit. We can still hear her heart beat cant we?!?!'

'Yes Jonah we can, but remember she is only half angel' I hate it when Sam is right. I didn't jump from heaven to get put next to some know it all in the fight against the skies. My tedious thoughts were interuppted by Tony once more.

'So...shall we play video games?' Oh god.


-----------------> Play song. 

Khalia POV

I woke up with mummers and shouts coming from the room next door to the sofa i was laying on. I scarperd up and looked into the mirror on the wall. I expected to see my hair in a mess. But once again my Demon side made it look perfect. My baggy T-shirt was still starring back at me once more, and my skinny jeans seemed tighter then ever. My bare feet however were sore from the landing. Everytime i tried to wiggle my toes they would just respond with aches and pains. As i looked out of the far window i could see the sunrising.  It was morning already? Crap i had been asleep for so long. My feet ached as i walked into the room full of shouting.

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