Chapter 11. It's Empty.

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Hope you guys enjoy. Dedicated to someone who has read all my chapters non stop. And if you have also then don't worry you will be acknowledged also xD  Oh and sorry for all of the POV's. They are important. Next chapter there wont be any except for Kahlias i promise xD


Kahlias POV

Looking around the cold, black room was difficult. I couldn't see a thing and my eyes were sore from trying to stay open under all of this floating shadows i guess you could call it? Shadow. Blood. Sam. Dead. Crap. 

My feet couldn't have moved any faster I had to tell Jonah. Rosa could wait she obviously didn't care at all. I slid my way through the pathway I had came through, kicking and knocking books as I went. Why was this library so darn big. Gosh Sam you could've at least made a map or something? 

When my hands fumbled at the big doors I found the handle. Having to close my throbbing eyes for a few seconds to regain focus. But when I tried to turn the handle a simple click spread throught the room. 

It was locked.

I was locked in. 


Rosa POV

Finally I had gotten rid of her. Blood would be pleased. This Ceremony is going to be the best yet. Watching her face as her friends die before her eyes. Sam is fucking first.


Sam's POV

My eyelids were heavy. Every part of my body that I could feel. Was sore. Or throbbing in some sort of way. Blood was all over me, my hands were covered and I could feel my neck clicking every time I attempted to move it.  Is was in a small room. The walls had red and gold patterns laced on the wallpaper. The floor was tiled to perfection. Each one had their own shimmer. Each one also had blood all over it. 

My blood.

I srambled upwards. Using the wall to stop me from spilling onto the floor again. It hurt just to breathe. A door was situated straight infront of me. It had a rusted bolt on it that looked as if it would break of because it had been used so many times. The wall around it had started to crack and peel. I assume it has been slammed shut so many times too. But my eyes had evurrted to the blade that sat gently on the floor infront of its presence. A knife. A pain that was undescribable had suddenly hit me in my stomach. Flinching back i lifed my shirt to see my skin smotherd in bruises and cuts. Not to mention the huge hole in the middle. Blood was still seeping out of it. I don't need to be a genius to know, who likes blood and knives. 


Kahlias POV

'JONAH!' My voice was trying to scream for Jonah but I was slowly loosing it after hours of shouting his name. 

'JONAH WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?' Giving up i decided to sit against the back of the door. Hoping that I would get a nudge when someone wanted to come in.  The shadows were fading away now, leaving nothing but mess everywhere. My lips started mummering a lullaby I used to sing when I was little to keep the monsters away. 

'Come on skinny love just last the year...' My voice started cracking and trailing away due to my excessive shouting from earlier. 

'Pour a little salt, you were never here...' 

Loud, Bangs and crashes were suddenly coming from the far corner of the library. Standing up hasitly I backed even further into the door. I felt myself slipping from my feet; causing a shot of pain up my back as I hit the floor. The door had been opened behind me. 

'Kahlia what on earth are you doing in there?'  

'JONAH!' I threw my arms around him so tightly I felt him step backwards. Probably because he was so startled. 'Didn't you hear my shouts for help? I was locked in the library!'

'Yes I heard them, but it took me a while to push the basement door down. It was locked as well. I had to go into full Fallen angel mode to break through it. Some sort of barrier was on it I think.'

'Crap. Someone has been trying to lock us in!'

'Why? John wouldn't. I doubt very highly your mother can cast a Demon wall around the basement.'

'Rosa.' We said in unison. I had completely forgot about the noises coming from the library until another huge crash shook the walls around us. 'What the hell is that?'

'I would like to know the same thing'

'Come on let's go see...' 

'No Jonah don't. What if it is the angels. Or even the...the...'

'The what?'

'The Shadows.' By saying this, I knew I didn't want to even think about setting foot back into the library again. 

'HELLO THERE!' A cheerful voice came from behind me and Jonah. Making us practically jump into each others arms. A man with greying hair, a beard that reached to his knees. The hairs stuck out in all kinds of directions, it was a interesting sight. He was shorter then me. Finally someone who was! The wrinkles under his eyes made him look even more ancient. But he looked like a perfect elder through my eyes. 

'Sir Youthfullink? What are you doing here?' Scatters of bodies where now walking out of the library and stood around us. Beckoning for us not to be scared. 

'I am here to have  the meeting with John about the Demon Ceremony. Plus I would love some chocolate milk. I know Sam makes the best ones' His wink. It didn't make me happier it just made me more scared as to where Sam could be. 

'Sam isn't here right now.'

'Oh well that's a shame. I'm pretty sure we would all love some of his chocolate milk. But well life goes on eh' He beamed a smile at me, responding back I did the same. Everyone was cheering and whispering about Sam's chocolate milk. It made me wonder why I have never had any? Was it really that good? Jonah's voice spoke once more. 

'Why may i ask Sir did you use the Library as a crash landing and not the front door?!?'

'Ah well, all the doors were locked for some reason. And we didn't want to be rude and use a spell on them. So we did it the old fashioned way' 

'Smashing through the roof and scaring the living daylights out of me and Kahlia?'

'Yes precisely. Ah Kahlia it is good to know you will be joining us at the Demon Ceremony tomorrow. It will be nice to see how you handle it.' Handle it? Ah crap. This really is some crazy battle to the death! Ok a bit to far, but you know what I mean...I hope....

'Yeah I am looking forward to it.' I smiled innocently back at him. 

'Good now, best be off. Is John in his office?'

'I actually don't know where John is' Jonah said next to me. What if Rosa has him? Why is everyone leaving us! 

'I'm here don't worry. Releaved by the sound of his voice, a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. 


'Come on down to my office we can talk then. Bye Jonah and Kahlia' And just like that he was gone. Everyone quickly hurried away from us to follow. We were left hand in hand. Alone. 


Tony's POV

Walking towards Sam's cellar made me cringe. I can't believe I had watched Blood shove a knife through his skin, tearing it as it slotted in. Throwing him down into the room. All I did was stand helplessly watching him beat Sam to death. When I tried to stop him, arms would always pull me back it was no use. I watched my only living relative slowly die. 

And now I had to face him. 

As I came to the door and unbolted the locks. I waited before pushing it open inwards. My heart beat had suddenly gotten quicker. The knife was gone and so was Sam. 

It's Empty.


Ok so once again another cliffhanger xD Whatever i like them :P Next chapter out soon :)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2012 ⏰

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