Chapter 5. Revealed.

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 Ok so i dont know who to change this font back?!?!? Sorry guys. I did this on Word because my last chapter got deleted because the internet wouldnt respond. I hope you like. They story is really coming together now ;) 

Enjoy.... Play the song ;) It kinda fits with it all hahah byeee ;D 

P.s when i posted this the font changed back so, never mind :) 


 The car pulled into the drive just at that moment. But before I knew it I was being whisked away into our house towering over myself. I felt so small right now. Like I shouldn’t exist. I’m a dark angel. One of the last or something? Why am I being told this now? I could feel a cold shiver running up and down my spine practically laughing at me.

"Meet me outside the library." Sam hurried away from me as the doors opened revealing the usual perfumey smell off of my mother’s skin. She was sat on the chair in the far corner reading what looked like a Cosmo magazine. I swear she never puts them down. But they are interesting I’ll give you that.

"What happened? Why are you home so early baby, you only just left?" She didn’t even look up from the magazine, I guess I am never important and never will be. But happy thoughts only now, I don’t want to hurt someone else. Especially my mother. She maybe very out there and arrogant but at least I have a mother. Some people don’t. Like Jonah...

"Oh nothing reallyIi just felt sick, and Sam gave me a lift home that’s all."

"You were fine when you left?"

"Yeah I was, but now I am....not?" I knew she wouldn’t believe this crappy lie but it will do. She’s not the brightest of people anyway.

"Ok well have fun."

"Just like that? No questions?"

"Why would there be questions? I never really went to school and look at me now." She finally looked up revealing a horrific orange line on her jaw from her makeup, and so much fake eyelashes I’m surprised her eyes can stay open. Infact I’m surprised she can even see anything without them blocking her vision. Yeah looking at her wasn’t the most pleasing sight. She's so beautiful under all of that. 

"Well I am just gonna go now..." I was edging towards the stairs still eyeing her as she watched me smiling. She knew nothing at all didn’t she? So many damn questions I gotta ask Sam. Oh crap Sam.


I had finally reached the library, through various trips and stumbles down staircases and through hall ways. The big oak doors were slanted slightly; this was the oldest part of the house. The only real part. My weak hands pushed open on them and they clicked open after a few hard pushes. I had only been in the library once when I was looking for a book on the Tudors for my history project. Sam had kicked me out though. He practically lives in here. But I’ve never seen him actually reading in it. My eyes had averted to looking around the room, standing there gawking at the masses of books and papers piled on top of pile. The ceiling was so high up I felt like an ant. Each one had their very own characteristics. Whether they were small and fully packed of big with paper upon paper. It was stunning. This would make movies and TV’s go and run away and hide into a corner. It’s amazing to think what could be crammed into each page of every book. Simply amazing.

I then realised I was here for a reason, me.

"Sam?" My voice echoed in and out of the shelves.

"Around here." I followed his voice to a dark section. Books were open everywhere, pens and photos were strew across tables and arm chairs. His dark hair was hiding his face as I sat down on the chair next to him. I practically fell into it; it was so big.

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