Kiss Me Through The Phone - TsukkiYama

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-It's a pretty easy title to choose~ But I'll publish the Oikawa chapter later. No one needs to know how I write my lemons just yet. Soooo... here's something I had thought about for a while..-

       Tsukishima had no idea what to expect. It was his first time actually enjoying what he called 'team annoyances'. He called it such because not only would Yamaguchi talk to Hinata and Sugawara, but Tanaka and Nishinoya would pester him to no end.
       Yes, it frustrated him. But what frustrated him more was the fact that Yamaguchi had given that ginger ball of sun his phone number. Sure, it was Yamaguchi's choice, but the thought of someone else taking up Yamaguchi's time upset him. Yamaguchi was his friend first and he should have gotten more attention. What else would he do but invite the freckled boy over for a movie marathon right after their game? It was a shoe-in to work. He knew that Yamaguchi loved to hang out with him.
      "Oh! Can Shouyou come too?" The innocently blinking boy asked. This idea wasn't going as Tsukishima planned and it frustrated him. How were those two on first name basis after talking for a few days?
      "Oh." His eye twitched,"You want to invite shrimpy I see..." he muttered.  Not only was he irritated but he could feel Kageyama glaring daggers into the back of his skull. And that incessant chatter of Hinata's was unmistakably louder than usual.
      "Would you not like that Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked once again tilting his head cutely and it made the blonde male flush darkly. Turning his head sideways he huffed,"Well it's not like I'm that hyper little kid's friend."
      Yamaguchi blinked before laughing. He clutched his stomach and bent over while wiping his eyes. Tsukki was so obvious to the boy. He looked as if he'd been betrayed earlier but now, Yamaguchi couldn't help but laugh.
       "Are you upset that I'm Hinata's friend?" Yamaguchi questioned with a small smile. It made Tsukishima's heart pound against his chest because, when was Yamaguchi ever this open? And did he always look so cute with that smile?
       Tsukishima was a teenage boy with so many unanswered questions. He was a hormonal teenage boy who had desires that would taint his best friend's purity. He wouldn't ever think otherwise.

    Yamaguchi had left Tsukki's side after a while to go talk to Hinata and Kageyama. Turning the corner to head to the gym he heard sneakers squeaking and muffled noises. A thud resounded through the open gym door and Yamaguchi peeked his head inside.
      A gasp escaped his lips as he found the two people he was looking for with locked lips. Damn! He thought to himself, now I owe Ennoshita and Sugawara twenty bucks!
        He reared back and flushed. He had just made a bet in his new friends on as to whether or not hey we're an item. He calmed himself before standing up straight and walking through the door.
     "H-hey guys!" He chirped as he glanced over to the two. Kageyama now seemed to have Hinata's black uniform jacket bunched up in his grasp with a flushed and angry face.
       Hinata laughed out at Yamaguchi as he placed his small hands on Kageyama's. The tall male released him and they straightened out to greet the brunette male.
       "So.... what did you see?" Hinata asked earning a slap from Kageyama.
        "Dumbass! Don't just ask someone that out of the blue!" He hissed before grumbling,"idiot." A lift chuckled escaped Yamaguchi as he rubbed the back of his head.
       "Not much I suppose! Just ya know.. you two kissing," Yamaguchi spoke calmly trying to play it off as nothing. Both boys in front of him flared red and looked away while choking out a small,"o-oh!"
       "So, Hinata. I wanted to ask you something.." Yamaguchi continued while he looked down at the ground. His face dusted pink and he nervously played with the hem of his jacket.
       "Hmm.. go on Yama!" Hinata encourages earning a small smile from the nervous boy in front of him.

    "Oi, Yamaguchi!" Tsukishima called as the boy sat beside him. They had just gotten to the Tsukishima household after winning a practice game against Nekoma. Tsukishima had pulled out his Jurassic Park series and had put the first movie in on his computer so they could watch it from the bed.
    "Yes Tsukki?" The shorter boy replied as he turned to look at the blonde.
    "Go make some popcorn. What ever flavor you find." Tsukishima spoke. He had hesitated for the last line because he didn't want to say whatever flavor you want or something cheesy like it. Plus he didn't know how Yamaguchi would respond so he would never have said it regardless.
    "Okay Tsukki~!" The cute boy chirped as he grinned at this salty blonde friend. After closing the door behind himself, Tsukishima collapsed on the bed. Yamaguchi was too cute for his own good. He wore his lift gray sweatpants and dark gray sweater that slid off his shoulders. Tsukishima didn't think he'd be able to control himself around the innocent boy.
    "I've got it bad," he murmured before feeling a vibration. He sat up. Now he heard the rumble. It was a phone stuck on silent. He turned to see Yamaguchi's phone blowing up with texts. Looking closer he noticed all the texts were from Hinata. He growled to himself as he skimmed some of the texts.
To: Yamaguchi
From: Shouyou Hinata
Bby you know that I miss you! I wanna get with you 2night but I can't! And that's an issue, you know I miss you~! I just wanna kiss you~!       (^∇^)

To: Yamaguchi
From: Shouyou Hinata
Bby kiss me thru the phone! I'll see you later~! I'll see you when I get home~!

To: Yamaguchi
From: Shouyou Hinata
Bby I know that you like me~ ur my future wifey~! U r the Bonnie to my Clyde! Txt me!

To: Yamaguchi
From: Shouyou Hinata
Call me~! I need you in my life! Everyday! Every time I see u my feelings get deeper~ I miss u~ I rlly wanna kiss u~!

     Tsukishima scowled as he read every text that Hinata wrote. It was so gross and repetitive that he wanted to chuck it at the wall. It felt like Hinata was trying to get Yamaguchi to say he liked him back.
    Feeling it vibrate Tsukishima looked down to see more texts. God, how he wanted to reply to Hinata but he knew that Yamaguchi would find out.

To: Yamaguchi
From: Shouyou Hinata
Bby... I've been thinking lately, so much.. about u... everything about u. I like it, love it~! Wanna kiss you in public~!

To: Yamaguchi
From: Shouyou Hinata
Roses by the dozen and talking to you on the phone.. bby, ur so sexy and your voice is lovely~ I miss u and I really wanna kiss u but I can't

    That was the final text. And it pissed Tsukishima off to no end. So when Yamaguchi entered the bedroom happily Tsukishima sat up and scowled.
    "Hn? Tsukki, is something wrong?" He asked with his innocent face pulling a worried look.
     "What's going in with you and Hinata?" He didn't phrase it right. It made him upset. Yamaguchi would notice he was acting differently.
      "Hm?" Yamaguchi hummed before spotting his phone in Tsukki's hand. "Ooohhh!! Hinata texted?" Yamaguchi placed the popcorn on the small table where the computer sat. He crawled into the bed and to Tsukki to grab his phone.
      "Why are you so calm?" Tsukishima asked. His fists were clenched and his brows. Furrowed together.
      "Because it's nothing to worry about!" Yamaguchi said as he scrolled to the top of his and Hinata's messages. He clicked the link that Hinata had sent him and a song played. "This is why!"
       Tsukishima flushed as he realized that the song sounded almost exactly like what Hinata had written. "Wh-w-wha-?"
        "I.. I wanted to sing the song the next time we went to karaoke as a team. So I had Hinata send me a simpler version of the lyrics." Yamaguchi explained only to be pulled into Tsukishima's lap. The blonde male had a bright red face and he didn't want to let go for fear that Yamaguchi would tease him.
     "Call me Kei."
      "O-okay, Tsuk-Kei~! An please call me Tadashi~!" The brunette squeaked as his arms wrapped around the taller males firm biceps.

-SO THATS IT! My first one shot for this series of randomness! There will be more to come and I will try to update as often as possible~!-

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