Eskimo Kisses - Kagehina

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(Also just wondering if Coach Ukai's name is Keishin or not. I can't quite remember and I had this written for like a week so... I'm also currently working on an Oikawa x Reader insert but it may lead to smutty-ness, just an fyi)
Soulmate AU where the first few words your other half says is written on your arm.

'Why do I have to work with this idiot?!?!'

Those were the words written on Hinata's arm. His left one to be exact. Right across his veins and a dark contrast to his pale skin. It was a grim reminder that his soulmate was going to be a complete asshole.
He was currently freezing in the middle of winter on his way to his job, which was a small cozy café on the outskirts.
He wore a heavy gray coat with fur lining, thick black tights, jean shorts and ankle high black boots. His red beats hang from his neck between his pale neck and his red plaid button up shirt as his black winter hat covered his nest of bright orange hair.
The wind blew slowly as the sun rose and Hinata noticed a light snowfall. He mentally told himself that he was most definitely gonna have an amazing day today and he wouldn't meet his soulmate just yet.

He had mentally spoken too soon when he entered the back room where he changed out of his heavy coat and into the standard green apron with 'Karasuno Café' written right across the top.
The boss, Ukai Senior, had taken it upon himself to give his son the duty to train the new worker. Sad enough the job was given to Hinata. Sadder than that it was a grumpy looking male with straight black hair and adorable blue eyes.
Hinata would have been overjoyed to get the newcomer situated... if they weren't as rude and disrespectful as humanly possible.

"Hinata! This is your new coworker. His name is Kageyama Tobio and you will be training him. He is to learn everything he needs to know to be a server, cashier, creating drinks, etc." Keishin Ukai ordered as he smirked at the tall ravenette who wore a scowl and looked very out of place in the cozy workspace.
"Why do I have to work with this idiot...?" Kageyama muttered as he looked to his left trying not to make eye contact."He's short and really," He hesitated a bit,"not cute at all..."
Hearing Kageyama say that phrase, Hinata felt as if he couldn't think straight. Did-? Did his supposed soulmate seriously just say that? It made everything very confusing to the boy who couldn't gather his words.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He replied angrily only to see the ravenette grow shocked. The taller male ended up curling into a ball and chant something.
As Keishin had decided it best to leave those two alone, Hinata decided to move closer to the boy who had positioned himself in the corner of the room.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck," Kageyama chanted with the occasional,"Damnit I fucked up already."
Hinata couldn't help cracking a smile and almost forgot why he was mad. He gently tapped the blue eyed male.
"H-hey, its okay. I mean, I've never been called not cute.." Hinata trailed unsure of how to make the situation better,"But I have been called short before... a lot.." he continued.
He looked around awkwardly before feeling Kageyama move. He looked over only to see Kageyama looking up at him with a flushed face and a pout on his lips.
"I've been told not to mess up with my s-soulmate but-" he hesitated before looking around to make sure no one else is around,"it seems I already did..."
The distance between them closed just the slightest to where Kageyama could smell the wintry cologne Hinata wore along with the faint smell of vanilla and cinnamon. Taking a deep breath in, he slowly pushed it outwards to calm down.
He apologized.
"I-I'm sorry. What?" Hinata asked incredulously. He couldn't believe the sight before his eyes.
A man who was scowling at him moments ago ended up looking crestfallen, depressed, bashful, and apologetic and it hasn't even gotten past 10 in the morning.
Hinata released a happy laugh as he threw his arms around Kageyama and buried his face into the other males neck.
"There's no need to apologize~!" He replied to the EVEN redder faced ravenette. "Because no matter what, I'll always be your soulmate."
Kageyama huffed as his face lit up like a Christmas tree and his ears and neck burned red. "And I'm yours..." he answered back wrapping his arms around the smaller boy's waist.

"By the way, Hinata who's older?" Asked their senpai of nearly two years, Sugawara Koushi. The two men in question looked at each other before back at Suga.
"Hinata is.." Kageyama answered with a red face as he tried to look anywhere but at his Hinata. Speaking of the small boy, he quickly jumped to wrap his arms and legs around Kageyama, he pulled his lovers' head down closer and gently rubbed his nose against the taller male. Watching big baby blue eyes widen gave way to a smile on Shouyou as he left a small kiss on unsuspecting Tobio's lips before dropping himself down.
Hinata's laugh resonated through the small café as the three men finished their shift and switched with the others, Asahi, Nishinoya, and Daichi.
Knowing how flustered Hinata made Kageyama, they had no doubt it would be a long, but fun, Christmas time.

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