Baby Its Cold - Mika x Reader

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       You had this odd condition where you produced too much blood. In turn your skin felt increasingly warm and made you uncomfortable. So when you were taken to Sanguinem and had your blood inspected they ended up taking you to the queen herself.
       Krul had said 'there was no better place than with me'.
      So that's exactly what had transpired. You were left in the queens care and were raised as her pet.
      Luckily enough for her you were an only child and your parents had died due to the 'virus'. You were at the ripe young age of 11 when you became her pet. She allowed you to roam freely as long as you returned at the times she had set.
   Morning - feeding her your blood.
   Noon - bagging your blood in case you died or someone else did.
   Night - bed time.
       While you roamed you were given the chance to know the Hyakuya children. Especially Yuu. He vowed to save you every chance he took.
      The thought warmed your heart but you knew there was no saving you. You were the queens pet.
      Mika on the other hand, seemed to enjoy your company and would have you lead him to Ferid's manor whenever he needed.
      It was nice, not counting the fact that all the children in the vampires custody were considered livestock.

      "Ooiiiii~! (Y/n)-chan~!" A lilting voice chirped from behind you. Turning around you saw a blonde haired boy and a ravenette.
      "Oh! Hi Yuuichiro-kun! Mikaela-kun!" You responded politely as you approached the males. You had just finished the noon blood bagging.
       "You're not still giving the vampires your blood are you?" Yuuichiro asked you as he seemed to scowl at nothing. A giggle left your lips as you nodded.
      "I kinda have too.. unless Yuuichiro-kun gets better tasting blood and takes my place~!" You teased causing the boy to flush.
      "N-never! I would never help those vampires!" He hissed as if he was burned.
       Exchanging glances with Mikaela you both laughed at Yuu before walking around together. They both tried making you laugh and in exchange you'd tell them all of what you heard from Krul about outside.
Life with them was fun. Or well, it was fun until they had the plan to escape. You knew something was wrong, and you told Mika your suspicions about it as well. He seemed off about it as well but, "any chance to free them is a chance I'm willing to take," he told you. You believed him when he told you that.
It was tough for you to not pull them back and plead for them to stay, but you let them leave anyway. You were stuck alone as the queen's pet the night they left. You were feeding the queen the moment it happened.
That night when the guards burst into the room to inform the queen that the children from the orphanage had tried to escape and harmed Ferid in the process gave you a sickly feeling. Bile rose in your throat and as the queen left to follow them you were left alone.
So alone that you raced to the toilet she kept just for you and puked anything she gave you in the last few hours.
You felt sick thinking of how many children you had grown to love.

The next day you felt lifeless. All of the children were dead and accounted for except for Yuu. The thought of even him surviving gave you hope that maybe, just maybe you could make it out of this alive. Maybe you could live to see him again because you already lost Mika and you couldn't remember how to feel.
The day grew cold when Krul finally arrived announcing her new pet. You looked up in disinterest only to find Mikaela. The boy you thought was dead. Your heart stuttered and you felt overwhelmed.
Turning to Krul you looked at her hopefully. She glanced at you and began making her way towards you. Her hand slowly descended on your head as she began stroking it like you would a dog. Your heart quivered as your eyes darted from her to Mika and back.
"He's new to being turned so I hope you can get him to feed." She spoke calmly, "Though if you can't, that's fine as well. More of your blood for me." She hummed.

Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, which grew into years. Your feelings for Mika haven't changed but your feelings for Sanguiem have. Ferid "borrowed" you from Krul on occasions and took you out with him as a living blood pack when he did his deeds.
You remember when he attached you to a leash and brought you along with Mika only to happen upon human troops. You spotted a familiar feeling face and focused on it throughout the fighting. It was difficult as Ferid made sure you didn't get a scratch.
Everything from the past few years clicked as you recognized Yuu. Your eyes widened and your heart broke as you saw him and Mika fight. Watching his sword pass through Mika left a crunch of pain in your gut. How could he not recognize his best friend?
How could Yuuichiro not recognize Mika and his blonde hair and glittering baby blue eyes? How could Mikaela not see Yuu's eyes that were as green as a dark forest? His hatred for vampires radiated off of him ten times as much as it did when he was younger.
You tried to call out to them only for Ferid to shush you, and upon retreating you wept for your friends shocking reunion.

Mika took you with him to find you after getting Krul's approval. She had ordered him to keep you safe and to use you only when he absolutely needed it. You were fine with that.
You were fine with giving everything you had to Mikaela. The boy who brought you back to life. The boy who gave you hope after finding out Yuu may still be alive, that you both may be able to leave this world of vampires for a world of freedom with Yuu.
So, when you were curled up on his back as he went to "rescue"Yuu from the humans you ignored the pang of jealousy you felt. You helped him get Yuu on his back and you took the performance enhancement medication that Krul gave you.
The performance enhancement drug was made to boost your blood production but it also allowed you to move as a vampire would. It allowed you to keep up with Mika as he sped away with Yuu, the information the humans gave him stuck in your memory.
You knew that because of how much Yuu would trust humans that he would want to go back for them. You knew how much he wanted to protect his loved ones, at any cost. You did too. But you weren't sure of the change. So when Mika went in the store with an unconscious Yuuichiro you knew you had to leave.
You left a note in the truck in the parking lot. You wrote down where they wanted to go, as a reminder, a goodbye, and a confession. Upon doing that you told him you'd be in the bathroom. It hurt you to lie to him, but you had to do what was right.
You couldn't be a burden on your loved ones. You couldn't let him hurt someone else. So when you saw the children you opened the back door to let them out. It was just in time too because Mika almost attacked one.
Upon seeing his hands and the frightened look on the child's face you had no choice but to take them, leave, leave him with the boy he's been desperately trying to save. Leave him knowing how you felt.
Finally saying goodbye to the monster of rejection and moving on to help kids.

Mikaela stood over the cold body with a note in his hand. He reread it over an over finding no answer as to why what happened had happened. He trembled as tears gathered in his red eyes. A hand was placed on his shoulder as both of their fingers shook.
Looking up he saw Yuu with tears in his eyes and a look of immense anger. He knew Yuu could never feel he anger and regret that he felt now. His red eyes trailed back to the frail and fallen form of his love. She had a giant gash stretching from her breasts to her abdomen. Her innards were still wet with blood as her eyes lay wide open. Her lips were parted as if saying one final secret but never finishing it.
Mikaela took her cold hand in his and massaged it as he vowed to find the one who killed her. He would get revenge, and then, then he will tell her how he feels.

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