I'll Make You Happy - Oikawa x Reader

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Oikawa was the one man you had known to be as honest now as he was in the past, more or less. He had always been where you expected him to be, even if he wasn't always going to listen to you.
The perks of being a high school males volleyball manager it seemed. The fact that he was blunt with you, and even quite honest about how many hours he would usually practice after practice, surprised many of the other volleyball players.
One day you had Kindaichi walk up to you and ask if Oikawa was taking care of himself properly because he had looked somewhat paler. You couldn't exactly tell him that even though you brought dinner to Oikawa, the stubbborn male wouldn't lay a finger on it until he finished his practice.

"Ooiiii!!! (Y/n)!!! Iwaizumi is hitting Oikawa in front of the school!" Someone shouted. The said female turned around to see a boy she knew from class.
"Oh! Thanks Kaname! I owe you one!" (Y/n) replied as she once again thanked the boy and raced down the front hallway and out the doors only to see Oikawa laugh something off.
Iwaizumi lifted his arm to throw the volleyball at Oikawa one last time only to feel soft, small hands gently wrap around his raised arm. He looked down to see the (h/c) haired girl look up at him with patience as she shook her head.
"Oikawa isn't worth popping another ball." She replied simply before grabbing the volleyball. She held out a two tier lunch box. "Here~! One for you and the other for the alien," (y/n) continued as she turned to leave.
"Ah, thanks, (Y/n). I'll see you at practice later." Iwaizumi spoke up only to gain Oikawa's attention.
The brunette male noticed how (y/n)'s hands slid off of Iwaizumi, how there was a lunch box in the shorter males grasp, how the small manager still managed to leave him, the captain, breathless.
"Awwwww, how mean Iwa-chan~! She brings you food but not me?" He whined as his lips were pulled into a pout. He moved closer to Iwaizumi and opened the small knot that held the two boxes together. He grabbed the top box gently and popped open the lid.
He felt the still warm rice heat his hands. The smell of homemade cooking filled his nose and his form visibly relaxed.
He wondered if maybe you would find it weird that instead of eating your food he'd always just hold the container and feel the warmth.
A soft chuckle escaped his lips. Of course you'd think he was weird. You already worried over him practicing way over the limit the others said he should, heck you even stayed behind with him a couple times to see his really intense serves.

After lunch and class had started it seemed to be quiet and normal. Except for the fact that when it was your turn to read a sentence in English a certain young man, who looked similar to Oikawa- not the man himself- had slammed the classroom door open, and quite abruptly got the teacher to dismiss you from class.
"Y-yahaba, what is this about??? What's going on??" You asked. He shushed you and led you towards the gym before you could say anything else.
Upon reaching the door the sound of a volleyball hitting the ground filled your ears. Soon enough afterwards you heard the telltale slap of feet as if they ran and jump off the ground. A hand hit the ball. The soft sound of the balm flying through the air.
The ball didn't hit the ground first. No, it sounded like someone blocked it. You poked Yahaba and as another serve was being tossed had him lift you so you could look through the window up high.
As expected, in the gym you could clearly see Oikawa hitting the ball only to have Iwaizumi practice blocking or receiving them. Something only those two would do as third years in their free period.
It hurt knowing that they chose to go to separate colleges. You had chosen the same college as Oikawa, but only because they had an amazing arts center there.
After Yahaba had placed you down you disregarded any of his complaints and opened the gym door. Both males were sweating from head to toe from practicing.
"Oi! You know we have practice after school! Practice now," (Y/n) warned as she walked closer to Oikawa,"and you're going to hurt yourself later." She continued as she crouched down to inspect his leg.
"Hehe, I'm fine (y/n)~! Nothing I can't handle~" Oikawa claimed as he tried to take a step away only for the female manager to tighten her grip on his leg just slightly.
"Oikawa. You know I love seeing you play on the court. But if you hurt yourself then I have no choice but to tell coach and have you sit out. Even if for one set." You replied resisting the urge to rest your head just above his knee brace.
The setter sighed and relaxed his body slowly as he rubbing your hair with his right hand.
"I'll be fine! Besides, I have you to watch out for me~" he only answered sounding very happy. "Now stand up," he ordered half-heartedly as he held out a hand.
You grasped onto his hand and let him pull you up. You also let him pull you into a hug that made you flush beet red as he nuzzled his head into your hair. "Though why did you skip your last class for today?" He hummed.
"I didn't do it for you... idiot." You muttered as you rubbed your face into his chest. He hummed out a chuckle before whispering something into your ear.
Soon after you had dragged Yahaba in only to have him apologize for spying. After that you had parted ways with the three boys and headed back to class to get some missed work.

Thick, warm, muscular arms pulled you in close as the man who hugged you from behind buried his face into your neck.
"Mmmhnn, can we go practice at my place?" He whined lowly as he gently swayed the two of you back and forth in the darkness of the clean and empty gym.
"Only if you know we're good to go." You laughed out,"Besides. It'd be awkward to get there only to be interrupted by your parents." You whispered to him as your fingers tangled themselves into his wavy-curly dark hair.
A whimper emitted from his lips as he licked and nipped at your neck. You could feel his lust radiating off of him. His hips slowly pushed against yours as his tent met the small dip between your clothed butt cheeks.
A soft giggle escaped your lips as you pushed back against him teasingly. The two of you ended up doing some music-less dance against each other and by the end of it you faced the tall brunette and he had a full hard on pressed against your womanhood.
"Maybe.. we could stop by my own place." You hummed,"it is closer, right Oikawa?" You looked up at him under the moonlight and as you batted your eyes you felt him gently drag you towards the nearest wall.
Your back hit the wall soon finding your legs tight around Oikawa's waist as he grinned widely.
"You must pay the fee~ Or we'll never get home~" Oikawa cooed only for you to run your hands through his hair once more and slam your lips together in a heated kiss.

Okay, like, I didn't know where I was going with this and I honestly spent a few weeks writing and coming back to this only to realize it was kinda hard. I don't really know how to write smut but I sure can read it! So I'll work on a Howl's Moving Castle AU!
It will also be Oikawa x Reader, unless you want to... I dunno.. request something?

I mean

That would be great~ 😂😂 ily all! Please comment on what you'd like to see! And I'll do my best!

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