In The Name of Love - KuroKen

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     Kenma didn't know how to deal with everything that had happened that day. First he had woken up to see Kuroo and his mom talking about the volleyball teams' next match, then when they were on the train to get to school it stopped quicker than he expected and his game console fell out of his hand, then when they got to school it was morning practice and people kept requesting various tosses.
       He was exhausted by then. So after his morning classes lunch had rolled around and he thought, this is where Kuroo will come to pick me up and we'll eat by the gym and just relax. But things didn't go as planned since Kuroo ended up texting him to just spend lunch with Yaku and Lev. Kenma did not like that. He would do just about anything but spend lunch with the hyperactive first year.
        It was times like this that made him wish he was a third year too so he could graduate with Kuroo. But alas, he knew that it was fate that they would always be a year apart. Even though they lived next to each other, Kuroo... he was graduating and he'd have to be in the university dorms for at least the first year before he could get an apartment.
       Lost in thought Kenma hadn't realized that he had walked towards the gym. He quickly pulled out his phone and checked the time. Only a few more minutes of their lunch break left.
     "U-ummm.. Kuroo. Could you.." A feminine voice stammered. Kenma halted at the gymnasium doors. He wasn't visible to anyone inside but he could clearly see Kuroo's back. The raven haired male had his arms tucked casually into his uniform pockets.
       The voices were quieter so Kenma gave up on trying to hear their conversation. He decided there was nothing better to do now except head back to class and eat there. It was okay if Kuroo wanted a girlfriend. It was only natural, right? He was at that age where he would want to date someone, nonetheless a female.
       But... for some reason it just didn't sit right with Kenma. His chest tightened and he couldn't help but curl over. He dropped his lunch in the process of clutching his squeezing and rapidly pumping heart.
       What was happening? How did he end up in this state? Why wasn't Kuroo there to hold him and calm him down like he usually did? Why couldn't he stop thinking about Kuroo?
       His final question was barely breathed as he collapsed on the floor catching the attention of students passing by. Of course there would be a few people loitering in the hallways. But what Kenma didn't understand was why strangers were calling out for help when they didn't know him. Why didn't they help calm him down the way Kuroo would have? Oh... that's right. None of them could ever be like Kuroo.

      He blinked his eyes open slowly as he curled to his right. A window was open and from the looks of his surroundings he was back home. His mother must have opened the window.
      But how did he get home? He couldn't quite remember. But he knew, he was positive, that there was a lot of shouting and arguing before he was lifted into a warm embrace. But, what happened afterwards? Why couldn't he remember who brought him home?
       "Oh! Kenma you're finally awake!" A very familiar and smooth voice spoke. It broke the blonde out of his reverie and his eyes locked with intense cat-like golden orbs. They were filled with worry but it was obvious Kuroo was trying to hide it with happiness.
       "Oh... Kuroo. How'd I get home?" Kenma asked shifting his gaze to his blanketed lap. He knew what Kuroo would say. What he'd always say until a few weeks after graduation. Until Kenma would have no one to sit with comfortably and safely on the train in the mornings.
      "I brought you home~! Your mom was worried and your dad complained about the fact he couldn't get off work to be here." Kuroo joked as per usual when it came to these things. Why did he try to help Kenma after everything the quiet boy had done? Kenma barely did anything when it came to school, he only joined the volleyball team because it meant he could walk home with Kuroo, he only moved places to eat lunch because Kuroo would be there, he really only did anything because he knew that Kuroo would be beside him.
       Wouldn't that make him useless without the tall and somewhat annoying male? Sure, Kuroo would probably stop everything he did to get Kenma, but that's not what he'd want. And Kenma didn't like that thought.
       "Say... Kuroo, do you ever... not want to be around me? What I mean is do I annoy or upset you? Ever?" Kenma asked as he pulled his knees to his chest. He tucked his arms between his chest and his legs.
       "What? Why are you asking that? Of course not! Kenma, you're my best friend! You matter more to me than anything else!" Kuroo replied his face going from his usual cheeky smirk to a look of hurt and sadness. "D-did you not want to be friends? Ever?" He continued with a dark look.
       "Kuroo, when you said I mattered more than anything else..." Kenma flushed as he turned his head away."D-did... was that a confession?" His response was a shocked and guttural sound escaping the crazy bed-headed  male who had collapsed on the floor with a red face.
       "W-what if it was?!?!!" Kuroo stammered as he slowly fell into his normal sitting position next to the short setters bed. He looked at the floor beside him with a flushed face and a very concentrated look.
       Feeling curious yet happy inside, Kenma leaned close to Kuroo and held his shoulders. He clumsily scrambled out of his covers and into his friends' lap.
       "If it was then I am glad." He replied,"I like you too..." he continued with a sigh before placing his face into the crook of Kuroo's warm neck. He could feel the pulsating of the tanned males heart beat and how it's pace quickened.
       "But who was that girl you were talking with in the gym?" The small boy asked with every ounce of jealously held in his body. Kuroo coughed into his hand and pulled out a sticky note from his back pocket.
       "She had me read this... she, along with some others, wanted me to read this to you," Kuroo hesitantly replied holding out to Kenma.
     A heavy sigh left the boy as he opened it up. It seemed off st the first word so he read it aloud:

       I, along with some others, noticed your pining after Kuroo. Please just ask him out. He's too much of a wimp to do it.

   The said boy hesitated to continue when he realized there was another one attached to the note. It also read:

        We've noticed how you glare at everyone who speaks to Kenma. Chill, he just let us borrow his notes. Also, please ask him out if he doesn't ask you.

A nervous cough escaped Kuroo and Kenma flushed as he buried his head into the male's firm chest.
     "I'm so embarrassed..." he whined softly. "Yeah, me too," Kuroo responded sounding sleepy.
      "Kuroo," Kenma called softly.
       "Yeah?" Was his response.
       "Can you spend the night?" He asked softly.
       "Yeah, sure." Kuroo replied,"Let me text my mom." He continued. After his mom was notified they moved to the bed and Kenma curled up in Kuroo's arms. It was safe, warm, comfortable. Everything he wanted. It was Kuroo.

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