Cupid Shuffle - Singer! Aone x Reader

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~~ Please read the end note I made at the end and I'm Sorey for the long wait!~~

He was almost always had his curious blue eyes focused on the bubbly but small girl who was his manager. She had always done her best to get very popular radio stations or television studios to allow him at least ten minutes to sing a few songs and hopefully put himself out there.
      It wasn't that he wasn't very big, a lot of people liked him because of how he was portrayed. Even though he was just socially awkward everyone -except his manager- had assumed he was always calm and collected.
       So, when the media found out that he loved to play with the small dog that his manager, (y/n), had rescued a few years back, they made many headlines like: 'Strong Aone Actually Softy For Animals' and 'The Mysterious Animal Who Stole Takanobe's Heart'.
       The frustration of being unable to enjoy the presence of his manager and his pet in peace and quiet set him on edge.
       "Hey, Aone. Are you okay?" A soft and relaxing voice asked with a hint of worry. "You seem to be more stressed than ever.."
        He looked down to see the girl just barely reach his chest. She was looking up at him expectant and worried. Her brows furrowed as her (e/c) eyes seemed to search for an answer in his own blue orbs.
      "I'm fine." He murmured as a light blush coated his cheeks. Though not taking his affirmative seriously, his beautiful manager gently grasped his arm in her two hands and dragged him to the couch.

     "Let me make sure," She replied as she sat him down.
      From where she was standing she could just lean forward and press their lips together.
      But she wouldn't do that. It wouldn't be right for a manager to do to her dear singer.
        She pressed their foreheads together after pulling back her (h/c) hair. Feeling his warm breath against her neck and collarbone tickled but she contained her shivers.
       "O-okay, I believe you." She confirmed with a quick glance to his lips before pulling away and plopping next to the tall and muscular light blonde male.
       "Want me to make dinner again?" Aone finally asked after a few minutes of their silence. A surprised him escaped the (h/c) female as she turned to look at the usually shy male with happiness.
       "I would love that~!" She admitted with a pink dust across her cheeks. Before she knew it she was curled up on the couch as she cooed to herself about tasting 'Aone's delicious cooking which was the absolute best' give or take a few soft and pleasant thought elicited moans about how amazing his cooking tasted.
       A few moments later, or what was actually nearly twenty minutes later, Aone exited the kitchen with the young females' long-haired poodle in tow.
      It wasn't a surprising sight for her to see. Even though she was the one to raise and save the poor poodle, he always followed Aone everywhere in the house. And even outside if they let him.
     "The foods done." Aone spoke softly as his slightly red face looked stiff. He still wore the pink frilly apron used for cooking and had a steaming pan of lasagna in his oven mitt-covered hands.
      "Thank you~!"
       And they sat around the table moments later with plates full. It was a happy and content atmosphere as they ate and spoke about what had happened earlier that day. What they found funny and even who they met.

      It was later that night when (y/n) was leaving that she had been hit with the sudden thought.
      'Why was Aone so upset when he couldn't be seen with her as often lately?'
      A few stray thoughts stayed in her mind as she turned around only to bump into the quite tall singer.
      "A-Ah! Aone~! I just wanted to- ummm..." (y/n) shifted her gaze to the side. How was she to tell her client, her singer, her friend, that she had feelings for him?
      "....yes..?" Aone asked hesitantly. His usually calm and straight face had a slight pink-red tint to it as his eyes seemed to focus on her more.
      "I... umm...." the (h/c) girl leaned closer and rested her head on his chest. "I really like you.. no. I've fallen in love with you~" she continued with a hum as she nuzzled her face into his body.
      Aone tensed before he wrapped his arms around the small girl and brought his face lower to her hair.
       "Me too.. I love you too," He replied awkwardly as he pulled the female closer. "Be mine?" He continued curiously.
       A soft laugh escaped the girl's lips as she looked up to the blue eyed male and kissed him,"Yes~!"

~~~WHOOHOOO~!!! Took me like three or four weeks to write and continue this one chapter omg!!! KMS!! Please remind me to update! And I PROMISe! THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE OIKAWA X READER!!!!~~~

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