That Oikawa x Reader I Said You'd Get But You Never Did

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You owned a bakery right down the street from a cute hat shop. You made sweets because, who doesn't like something sweet or savory once in a while?
It was a rainy day and you had just finished a batch of golden chocolate covered eclairs with a creamy caramel cream filling. What you thought was your last customer for the night had just left when another person entered. It was a small little boy. He carried a satchel with him and he seemed to waddle up to your counter.
"Oh hello little one, how may I help you tonight?" You asked politely. He seemed to smile at your politeness.
"Can I get two of your eclairs miss?" He asked nicely. You smiled and told him yes, as well as how much they both were. After the money exchange he took the eclairs and waddled towards the door he had entered just moments before.
It was nice to see a little kid running errands once in a while because very few mothers had trusted their children not to eat them on the way home. You leaned on the counter staring out the door for a bit before you pulled out a pad of paper and a pencil, drawing treats and clothing alike.
It was time for closing when a tall, handsome young man came striding in wearing fancy clothes. Some tan slacks, a white shirt with frills by the buttons and a bright overcoat. His model-esque body and fluffy hair gave you shivers thinking of what kind of clothes would suit him best.
"Excuse me miss, but do you have anything sweet I can try?" He asked smoothly. You nearly melted in his voice. It sounded so rich like dark chocolate. Flustered you nodded and pulled out a sample tray of what you still have in stock.
"Just... uhh.. try anything from this try and whatever you like I can have out for you in a moment." You reply finally looking anywhere but his pretty face and big brown eyes. You double check to make sure you have the treats in stock and upon looking back at him your eyes meet.
Your stomach flutters with butterflies and your heart pounds in your chest as he smiles at you. "Um, sir-"
"Tooru. Oikawa Tooru."
"Mister Oikawa, is there anything you want in particular?"
"Can I get a couple more eclairs and you?" He asks with a wink. Your face reddens and you try to calmly pull out his eclairs.
"Sorry sir, I'm afraid I cannot be taken as a part of your order. Though I do thank you for trying." You say trying not to stammer. He looked down at you in mock disappointment.
"How about I take you out on a date. Maybe after you get off work?" He asks. You looked around the shop and notice no one going to come in anytime soon.
"Only if you don't kill me," you say lightly as you giggle your nervousness away. He grins at you with a mischievous gleam in his eyes, "Never."

~~Extra that really doesn't matter bc it's so short and doesn't even have the date bc I was too lazy to write it~~
Soon your shift ends and you close down the shop. Walking out to the front you notice the man upholding his promise of a date as he walks up to you moments later with a flower in his grasp.
      "So, you actually stuck around, huh?"
      "Yeah. I did. Was I worth it?"
       A laugh.
      "Most definitely."

Honestly I didn't even feel like finishing it because lately I've been hating my writing but... HERE YA GO!! 😂😂😂 Maybe later his week I'll post this UshiHina idea I had. It might be on this story but it might be on my other one bc it's just a rough outline of what I thought to be a good story and it has some nsfw towards the end... 😅😅

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