More Than Its Weight In Gold - KageHina

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Ahahhahaha! I'm still alive!!!! And I'm starting with a Kagehina!!!!! Have fun!


I met you in the dark, you lit me up

You made me feel as though I was enough

We danced the night away, we drank too much

I held your hair back when

You were throwing up

It was a chilly December night when Kageyama dragged a bubbly and twice as energetic Hinata out of the bar. The other, older and younger, volleyball members were still perched on their bar stools inside the blistering hot establishment getting drunk off their rockers. Kageyama wanted to stay behind, but he knew how cranky his roommate would get if they both walked home just as the buzz was dying.

A glance down at the ginger proved just how hammered the 24 year old really was when he tripped and clutched onto Kageyama's sleeve. A giggly grin and two glittery mischievous eyes gave the ravenette shivers as he watched the older male skip ahead. He warily watched as the boy paused in his movements before turning his head back, with the cutest tilt, and grin once more.

"Thank you for taking me home Kageyama~!" Hinata sings before pivoting on his heels and swinging his arms out in a mock twirl. Noticing his unsteady posture Kageyama was at his side to support him as he tipped backward, the knit hat made by Natsu falling off his head.

Then you smiled over your shoulder

For a minute, I was stone-cold sober

I pulled you closer to my chest

And you asked me to stay over

I said, I already told ya

I think that you should get some rest

For the hundredth time that night a set of all-encompassing dark blue eyes scanned the figure in his grasp. They trailed up the dark brown boots that were a bit too big on the ginger's feet, to the baggy jeans and the red flannel. He noticed the designer tag on the inside of the shirt and a low growl threatened to rise in his throat. His cheeks started to heat up as his eyes drifted to the solid blue bandanna tied around Hinata's neck, the flush of red on his pale cheeks, and the faint red across his small nose.

Pulling away from the boy who grew silent he reached down to grab the vibrant red hat that was messily knitted by Hinata's little sister, Natsu. As he situated the cap back onto the shivering ginger's head he remembered when he first saw Hinata Natsu working on it.

He was spending the night, like he normally did on the weekend, and he happened to see her kneeling over her desk, a hiss escaping her every so often. He had knocked and slowly pushed the door open wider to question her when she violently turned to face him with wide and guilty eyes. Recalling how she had relaxed and confided in him about her older brother's upcoming birthday, and how her excitement to give him a gift spread between the two, Kageyama smiled with a quiet scoff.

He missed the little battles she had with him to please her mother and to see who could make her laugh the most. Turning his head back to the road ahead Kageyama steered Hinata until the boy resumed babbling about how drunk Yamaguchi was, recounting the tale of the night like the ravenette wasn't there.

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