Hugs & Kisses - KageHina

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-I will try to start reader inserts because I have a few ideas for them but i want to get this one KageHina down before i work on anything else~ And my updating schedule will be random because that is how my life is atm~ -

Looking down at the sunshine-like male with ginger hair, Kageyama had thought for the umpteenth time that day, 'I want to kiss Hinata.' Shaking the thought from his head Kageyama scowled and turned away.

"Lets go idiot. We'll be late for class." He grumbled as he finished off his milk carton. Lunch time was over and he didn't want to do anything with the little time they had to get from the gym to their classrooms.

Hinata quickly followed after the tall raven haired male who had suddenly began moving away.

"Oi! Kageyama! You didn't toss to me at all during lunch break!" He called out in anger,"You said that you would!" He continued as he raced after the tall boy.

"Oi! Don't ignore me Bakageyama!" Hinata hissed as he jumped onto Kageyama. The younger male stumbled as he felt Hinata's weight against him and as he tried to regain his footing he felt Hinata cover his eyes.

"Hinata you idiot! What are you doing!?!?" Kageyama growled as he whipped around and tried to grab Hinata. He had one and under the shorter boy's thighs and another latched onto Hinata's wrist. Trying to pry the boy's hands off of his eyes Kageyama tried to figure out where his feet were taking him. It wasn't helping when Hinata had started to tell him where to step only to end up bumping into their volleyball teammates.

"Hey Hinata! Kageyama!" They heard a soft voice call out.

"Suga!" Hinata chirped as he moved a hand to pinch Kageyama's cheek. "How are you?" He asked the older male with ash blonde hair.

"Hinata, please get off Kageyama's back!" Daichi spoke as he walked up behind Sugawara. The two smiled at each other before turning to scold the two first years.

       It was the last memory that Kageyama could relax to that he had of Karasuno and his Hinata and his senpai's.  Or long after that happened he was called to the principals office and saw his parents with the principal.
      They were talking about his transfer to Aoba Johsai. They were to move for his fathers work in a different city and expected him to go to a different school.
       He couldn't say no because his mom practically begged him to accept it with her eyes, and his father wasn't going to take no for an answer. Heck, he found it obvious how happy the principal would be knowing he wouldn't be fighting with Hinata over stupid things that he couldn't even remember that moment.

     "W-what do you mean Bakageyam?!?!" You can't leave!" Hinata shouted as he abruptly stood from his spot next to the gloomier than normal teen setter.
      "It wasn't entirely my choice to make." He muttered,"my parents did it..." he gripped his eating utensils tightly in his grip as he tried not to cry.
       How could he ever leave the sweet family he had made this past year? He had finally had friends who cared about him, and now his parents were sending him back to Oikawa and the others who had left him.
       A tremor ran through him as he hunched further over his lunch box and grimaced.
      He didn't want this. Not at all. But he couldn't stop it. He felt a fuzzy feeling take over and coat itself across his skin. His head felt jumbled and he couldn't think. He stretched his fingers causing the items he held to fall to the ground, but he didn't care.
       He felt weird inside and he didn't like it. His stomach lurched and twisted like a rag inside as he felt lightheaded. He leaned forward to get up when he stumbled.
       It was frustrating for him. He felt incredibly warm and he couldn't feel the texture of anything. So it came as a shock to him when Hinata had gotten in front of him and held him up.
      "Kageyama! Are you okay?!?!!" He called out but the boy in front of him looked dazed like he couldn't see right.
       Doing what his mom had done to him when he first fainted a few years back, he pulled Kageyama into him. Slowly and steadily he lowered them to the roof top floor.
      He laid Kageyama onto his back so the ravenette' head rested in his lap. Slowly gripping the taller males hands he pushed hem into his wild orange hair.
      Feeling the younger males grip tighten he looked down to see a pained expression on the blue eyed males features.
      From the way Kageyama had looked, Hinata didn't want to let go, but he had to. If he didn't he would have done something Kageyama would surely hate him for.
      But, maybe it was the best. If Kageyama hated him then it would be easier for the setter to move away.
     "Oi, Bakageyama? Can you hear me?" He asked as he reluctantly pulled the ravenette fingers from his hair. A grunt escaped the male as he shit his eyes.
       "I feel like shit. What happened?" Kageyama asked.
      "How do you feel? Other than like shit." Hinata asked as he turned to the side to snicker at Kageyama. God, he was so attractive.
      "Like I've been hit by your stupid self." Kageyama muttered before smirking. "You looked pretty upset about what happened."
      "O-of course Bakageyama! You're still gonna toss to me today! If you get hurt then I'll make you toss to me twice-! No! Ten times as much as usual!" Hinata declared aloud  only to flush and turn away.
       It fell into a comfortable silence as they processed what was said and what had been heard.
      "I'm in love you, Hinata." Kageyama whispered as he stood up to leave. He walked away unaware of the flushed face Hinata showed as his wide and overjoyed grin went past his eyes.
      "Haha! I've always loved you too Bakageyama~!" Hinata chirped out with a grin on his face.
They never did forget each other after, did they?

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