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Sorry for not updating when I said I would, I'm just going through a bad time atm so sorry if this chapter is bad. :-/

Ross's P.O.V


She smiled at me as I said that before eventually standing up again. I was still leant down figuring the wires out.

Laura: Hey Ross?

I heard a plonk on the bed. I guessed she was sitting down again on there.

Ross: Yeah?

Laura: I was you wanna come to Vanessa's surprise party with me?

I turned around and stared at her oddly.

Ross: Huh? You never told me about this?

Laura: Well yah, that's why it's called a surprise. *winking*

Ross: Yeah, only to Vanessa it is, not to me.

Laura: Well anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to come? It's next week? You can bring the guys and Rydel if you'd like.

I creased my forehead in agreement (if that even makes any sense, can't really explain it).

Ross: Sure. How come you never said anything sooner?

I stood up as I'd finished putting the wires in the correct place and went and sat next to her on the bed.

Laura:'s just because of everything thats happened lately. *biting lip*

She looked down ashamed. I knew what she was talking about.

Laura: I mean...*looking at Ross* what even are we? Because like, we're meant to be bestfriends and here we are kissing and cuddling on your bed...

Ross: And worse. *gulps*

She knew I was talking about when we slept together. Her face turned bright red as she tucked her hair behind her ear, embarrassed.

Laura: I know...I actually need to talk to you about that?

I lifted my head back up to look at her.

Ross: What more is there to talk about? We got drunk and slept together thats all..

Laura: I don't mean that...It's just..

Ross: You're not pregnant, are you? *raising eyebrow*

She rolled her eyes in annoyance at me.

Laura: No!'s just...I may or may not have lied to Rydel about it...

Ross: What?!?

Laura: Calm down! *putting hands on his arm* I didn't tell her what WE'D done..though, I nearly did.

Ross: But...then??...

I couldn't find the right words to say. I was more confused than ever. I scratched the back of my head as Laura took her hands off me.

Laura: I just...kinda said it was Raini and Calum.

Ross: What?! Laura, why did you do that?!

Laura: Because she told me you'd liked me for months and I was that shocked, I said well with everything that's happened at the party before she cut me off.

Ross: And then?

Laura: And then I told her you said you'd liked me at the party but we'd not done anything about it because we caught Raini and Calum...doing it.

Ross: That doesn't explain why it lead to Raini and Calum though?

Laura: Because...I told her it was shameful..

Ross: Laura! *groaning*

Laura: Well, what did you expect me to do?! She was all over my case!

I went to open my mouth but we suddenly heard a knock at the door.

Ross: Come in?

The person opened the door...Oh.

Riker was stood there. He looked over at Laura and then back at me.

Riker: Mom wants us all downstairs.

Ross: Well as you can see, we're kinda busy here.

Riker: That's not my fault. Mom said she wants us all downstairs so we can spend time as a family. *looks at Laura* You included Laur.

I looked over at Laura, and she went red. Why was he calling her Laur? That was my name for her. I huffed&sighed.

Ross: Fine. Let's go Laur.

She looked at us both before standing up.

Laura: Oh..okay.

Riker went out the door with me and Laura shortly following. Boy..was this gonna' be awkward or what?

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