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"This sounds good August." I say bobbing my head.

"Thanks baby" He says smiling at me.

"We have such a busy work schedule this week don't forget about the pep rally at Forest Hill you're doing." I say checking his calendar for the upcoming week. "It's crazy how two years ago you were working your way up, we're at the top now. I'm doing all that I can to keep you there."

"We got this though! I don't know how I would have made it through half this shit without you supporting me." August says holding my hand.

"You know I got you baby" I say smiling.

Being August wife and manager has been a crazy ride but I wouldn't change one moment of it. We've had a ton of problems when it comes to his business life and sometimes we let business interfere with our personal life.

"I think tonight I'm going to cook dinner and we can just chill out in the back" I say.

"Sounds good baby. I'll stop by the store and get some wine" He says. The music fades back in as he mix the beats. "This album is going to be hot !"

"It is man! Where Ej at?" He ask referring to my cousin.

"Yo what's good people?" Ej yells busting through the studio doors.

"Speaking of the devil" I say laughing.

"Sup August? Hey cousin" He says taking a seat.

"We good, Aug was just asking where were you" I say.

"Man I was in studio C with this new artist. Baby girl got some pipes on her !" Ej says.

"Oh cool she got a manager?" I ask laughing.

"You always trying to be somebody manager" Ej teases.

"Well duh! Where ever the money is I am" I say.

"I feel you on that cousin!" Ej says.


"Smells good " August says.

"Thank you baby. Will you grab the wine please, while I set the table" I say. "This girl Ej was talking about she must be good, he never really bring people up like that, what you think?" I ask as I set the table.

"He's going send us one of her tracks so we'll see... but enough business this about us right now" He says wrapping his arms around me.

I laugh "Alright I'll drop business talk... You know I think a dinner party will be great and we could invite her to check her out" I suggest.

August stale face me, "Fine baby anything to drop this".

"Okay I'm done ... let's eat" I say sitting down.

"Man if you ain't know how to cook I don't think this was going to work out" August says laughing.

"Boy please ! There is take out" I say laughing.

"Shit that take up all my money .... I'm one lucky man" August says.

"Yes you are... but shit I'm a lucky women you make me happy to be Mrs.Alsina" I say smiling.

"Wouldn't have it any other way" He says.

"You know that night when you proposed it was just so wonderful , I couldn't process the thought that I'd really be Mrs.Alsina" I say laughing.

"Why? I told yo ass you was the one! After our second date I was like baby girl is a keeper I'd be a fool if I ain't marry you" He says.

August and I been married for almost a year now and everything has been perfect. It gets tricky with the whole Me being his manager and his wife but shit we make it work. I want the best for August I work hard to make sure his career is good he works with the best only.

Not a lot of people believe in him, shit they told him straight up he wouldn't be shit. I made it my job to make sure he is the shit. Looking over at August I smile.

"What you thinkin' bout?" He asks.

"Just how everything played out it's like we were meant to be together.".

"We are baby it's me and you against the world" He says holding up his glass.

"For sure!" I say smiling.

When we started dating I was already a manager just not his manager but the dude who was his manager didn't know what they were doing. August has so much talent and it's like dude was trying to hide it.

The door bell goes off interrupting our dinner. "I'll get it baby" I say getting up. Checking the security cameras I see Giselle one of August friends. I open the door. "What's up?" I ask letting her in.

"Nothing much I was in the neighborhood and decided it be a good idea to check on you guys" She says walking further in the house.

"We out back having dinner" I say.

"Oh mybad I'll come back another time then" She says.

"Well I mean you can go say what's up to August ... I'm sure he'd like to see you".

"Cool thanks Arielle".

"Baby Giselle is here" I sitting back in my spot.

"What's good kid?" He ask hugging her

"Nothing much just got done doing some shopping so I stopped by here to check on you guys" She says.

"Thanks , how's your pop?" August ask.

"He doing better, he's getting out the hospital next week I want to thank you guys again for helping , it means the world to us" She says.

"Of course anything to help" August says.

"Oh we might be holding a dinner party soon you should come" I say.

"I'll be there just text me with the information" Giselle says.

"I will" I say smiling. "You want a plate?" I ask.

"No thanks I'm about to go leave you two to grown people shit" She says laughing.

"Girl bye" I say laughing.

Once I walk Giselle out I help August clean up and put he dishes away. "Today was a good day" I say.

"It was it'll be better if we end off with some sexual activities" August says smacking my ass.

"That shit hurts August, boy lets go to bed" I say laughing.

"Okay when I start feeling on you don't complain" He say picking me up.

I start laughing. "Let me down August" I say.

"Nope" He says. I take me to living room then drop me on the couch. August leans down and start kissing me. "I love you Mrs.Alsina!".

"Mm I love you more Mr.Alsina" I say.

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