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"Oh my God!" These labor pains are getting more and more intense. "Breathe Jasmine. That's the best thing you can do." The doctor says. I cut my eyes, "I've been breathing. It's not helping."


"Myesha! Thank goodness you're here. Why didn't you tell me this shit would hurt." She laughs, "Because I've never been pregnant and didn't know." She says shrugging her shoulders.

"Shit!" I scream feeling another one coming on. "That aren't that far, is this good?"

"Typically it means she's almost ready to deliver but she hasn't dilated much since they started she's only at 2."  The doctor says. I've been here for 3 hours and ain't dilated anywhere but these contractions are a bitch.

The pain finally eases a bit but I still feel some pressure. "Pass me my phone."

I see August finally responding to the text I sent him after Arielle answered his phone earlier. I hit August name and it rings and rings and rings. 

"Hello?" He answers sounding wide awake. I just knew he would be sleep or laying down whispering or something. "What are you doing?"

"On the way to you."

"Y'all left?"

"I left... you didn't think I'd miss this did you?"

I'm speechless actually. "I mean no but-" another hits. "I'm like an hour away but I'm close. Wait for me."

"I think we're going to be waiting for a while. I haven't dilated much."

"Alright. I'll be there soon."


"Jasmine Taylor." I look over and see flashing. How did they get in here. Myesha rushes over to the window closing the then and shutting the door. "That's rude as hell man."

"Bitch they could've waited till my legs are out the damn air." I roll my eyes. "I heard about the message August sent. It's pretty much everywhere."

"I figured it would be. I cried." My chuckles, "It was so sweet. I would have too."

"Do you think Arielle has seen it? She seemed like she had a bit of an attitude which I mean I guess I would too but damn."

"She's probably sleeping at this time of night. I think she's over August though. Travis just randomly showing up to handle something please. He's always had a crush on her even with her and August being in a relationship. Rell checked Travis about it because he saw what he was doing. Even after all of that Arielle still just didn't care for Rell which is where my problem came in at because she ain't see all the shit he was doing for them. He still ain't ever crossed August, ever. My problem with her was never just about a song or some shit."

"So is Travis trouble or?"

"Hell yeah but I guess considering the circumstances Travis could move in on her. It's crazy because he even knows about you and August. Him and August had a long ass talk. He's dead ass seriously in love with you."

"I guess they are moving on from each other. I just hate how things happened. I know they had problems and all but damn. I really wish he would've been divorced or something. Things with the fake relationship musically didn't help. It made both of us fall harder and then Taylor about to be in the picture all of this would've been so perfect to me if he wasn't married. Shit would've been a fairytale. I always feel bad when I think about all of this like even if she is moving on it's still gone hurt once she knows everything."

"That's true and it is but you can't blame yourself for falling in love with him. You just said it yourself everything was perfect, it would've been so magical. Well it was magically. Don't blame yourself for their problems because honestly it was bound to happen anyway and if it wasn't you it was going to be someone else."

"I guess you're right My."

1 hour later...

I've finally got a break from these contractions. I was laying here almost asleep until August busts in the door like G.I Joe.

"You're so extra for that."

"It was too quiet. Where Myesha at?" He asks sitting beside the bed. "She went home to get some clothes and to your house to get a baby bag ready."

"Aw shit, I would've did that if I thought about it. I had to get up here to you though." He grabs my hand. "Why are your eyes bloodshot Red and low as hell?" I ask knowing clearly he's been smoking. "Arielle was pregnant."

"What? When?"

"Around my brother day." The day he came to my place. "Damn. I'm so sorry to hear that."

"I'm sorry that I didn't care." I look at him and into his low eyes. He's serious. "That's harsh August."

He sighs running his hand down his face, "I know but I couldn't think about anything but you and Taylor in that moment. Shit has been so messed up with me and her and that's the icing on the cake and to tell me months later after the fact. Everything with you is perfect and the shit is scary. I'm scared as hell but I know it's a chance to be good when I'm with you."

"Did you tell her?"

"No she laid that out on me first. I couldn't look at her anymore. I thought she would be my forever but damn. It's crazy how this is this. We're happy and I want us to stay like this. I don't care who has what to say or how they feel about it. It's me, you, and Taylor. If you ever feel like we going towards a path of destruction say some. Don't leave me in the dark, don't keep secrets from me, let us continue to be happy." He lays his head next to my hand on the bed. I assumed this conversation would've been me expressing my fears. It takes so much for a man to be genuinely vulnerable with anyone- most importantly a woman. It truly makes me fall all over for him.

"Let's just take things slow and we'll work our way up."

Another contraction hits and they are back to back to back. The nurse comes in and checks to see how far along we have. She looks at me and August, "It's time!"

"Like time, time?"

"Yes! Dr. Richard!" She yells walking out the door. Myesha walks in looks at her pass by like she's crazy. "What's her Problem?"

"It's time."

"Oh my God! Oh and hi August."

"What's up My? You ready to be Auntie My?"

"I was ready 7 months ago." She says. "Oh My God!"

"You should've did the epidural." My says as I glare up at her. "Sorry." She says then laughs. "Are you ready Ms. Taylor?" Dr. Richard asks coming inside the room.

"As ready as I'm going to be."

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