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This week has been so damn emotional. I wake up holding my stomach and tears begin to run down my face. I try my best to cry silently so I won't wake up August. Forcing myself out of bed I head to the bathroom and start my morning routine. I hear the door open letting me know August walked in.

"Good morning babe" I say.

"What's up baby girl?" He ask. I can hear the pain in his voice.

"Nothing, once I'm done I'll go make us some breakfast or we can go out to eat?" I ask.

"Nah I'm good I ain't hungry Ari, thanks though".

Once I finish my shower I wrap the towel around my body then step out. "What're you doing today?" I ask trying to lighten the mood.

"Nothing Ari" He says stepping out the bathroom.

I roll my eyes. Right now is not the time for his little stupid attitude. I get dress then head down the stairs. I decide I should just ignore him since he wants to have a fucking temper tantrum. I pour a bowl of cereal then sit at the island.

"What happen where the food?" He ask.

"You just said you ain't want it so now I'm suppose to just cook a meal after you just told me you're not hungry" I say looking iat him crazy.

"Man what type of shit is this I assume you being the good wife you say you are youd cook anyway".

"So what you're trying to say is im not a good wife? Fuck you too August" I say throwing the news paper at him. I march up the stairs and slam the room door.

Tears start pouring down again. I'm not a good wife he says. "I'm sorry baby" I whisper to myself.

"I'm going to Jerrell's I need some fresh air I can't be in here right now shit is too much" August says.

"Do whatever the fuck you want" I say. I let out a sigh.

August looks at me before going he begins to say something but then he just shakes his head. All I want him to do is hug me hold me tell me everything's going to be alright.

I go back downstairs and pour myself a glass of red wine. I store the rest away. I contemplate on calling my mom and just spilling my heart out to her but that isn't a good idea. The wine just isn't strong enough for a moment like this. I go to August little personal bar and grab some scotch.

"Ugh!" I groan as the scotch goes down my throat.

"How do people just down this shit like its juice or something" I say. This isn't the answer to my damn problems. I put the bottle away. Maybe I should just sleep this shit off hopefully when I wake up I'll feel much better. I drag my lifeless body up the stairs. It feels like I'm living but I'm not alive.

My phone starts going off I contemplate on not answering it but knowing Ej he'll just keep calling my damn phone.

"Hello?" I say through the phone.

"What're you up too?" He ask.

"Nothing just laying here".

"Why you sound like that ? You and August got into it?" Ej ask.

"Yeah kind of, you know his brother was killed today and I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed so I wasn't here for his little attitude so he got mad and left talking about he need fresh air.".

"You want me and Trish to come over we got taco" My cousin says laughing.

"No thanks I appreciate tell Trish I send my love".

"Alright talk to you later".
2 hours later.

I dial August phone but it goes to voicemail. I try calling again but same thing happens. I put the phone down. Maybe he's still mad at me.

"It's just so hard dealing with this it completely slipped my mind. I throw on some pants and grab my keys and purse. Maybe I can do something nice for us just to ease the tension between us.

The first step of making this right is forgetting what happen to me and live in the now. I go to a flower store and buy some Gladiolas and red Roses.

Once I'm done with gathering some flowers, balloons I head to my favorite restaurant to pick up some food. I don't think I can cook in this state of mind.

Getting back to the house I notice August car still isn't in the drive way. I carry everything inside set the food in the oven to keep it warm. Put the flowers in some water. Maybe once I shower and get dressed he'll be back. I text him telling him I'm sorry about earlier.

Two hours pass and he still isn't home. I pour myself some white wine and make my plate. I guess dinner for one. Being that I haven't ate all damn day this food taste so good. After the first few spoons of rice I begin getting nauseous. I place my plate in the microwave and just finish my wine since that all I've been drinking all day.

"Why me God?" I ask trying to hold back my tears. Beside having a few drinks I've shed tears all damn day too. I'd never want any women to go through what I'm going through.

I begin getting sleepy after watching season two of Orange Is The New Black. My eyes start closing. I decide to just fall asleep on the couch. Waiting up on August got tiring whenever he come in he can help himself to a plate of food.

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