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"Ms. Taylor come inside. Lay back on the bed and we will take a look the baby." This is my first official doctors appointment at three in a half months pregnant. Touring was amazing but it's back to business.

I sit my purse down and lay back. She rubs the cold gel on my stomach. I look up at the monitor. "Here we are." The sound of the heartbeat fills the room. "This is really real. Wow." She smiles at me. "Are you a first time mom?"

"Yeah." She looks down at my chart. "your Jasmine Taylor.. my daughter loves your music." I smile, "I am. Tell her I said thank you."

"I will."

"Oh but please don't mention I was in your office. I don't want anything about this out yet. Maybe the mall or something."

"Oh no dear I'm not able to say that anyway. Doctor-patient privilege." She says. "Oh okay."

We wrap things up and all is progressing well. I'll be able to found out the gender next month in a half. This is kind of exciting yet so scary at the same time. My phone rings as I walk back to the car. "Hello?"

"Where you at?" EJ asks. "Leaving the doctor. On the way. You there already?"

"Everything okay?" He ask. "Yeah I'm fine, just a follow up visit."

"Okay. I'm here already. We're waiting on you and August."

"Jay there already?"


"Alright I shouldn't be too long as long as traffic isn't bad."

"Alright. See you when you get here."

I hang up and start driving over to the building.


"If anyone asks you two are together. The chemistry rose while working on the song weeks before it was completed and it just happened." Little do they know, that's really how it happened. "Alright sounds good."

"We have a house and car for you two to use, go out, be seen you know regular couple things."

"So he won't be home?" Arielle asks. "Not necessarily Arielle. The house is located in the same gated community your home currently is in. The only thing is, it's in the front near the gates, this way paparazzi can catch you two here and there."

"I personally think Jas should move into the house, just let it be hers." EJ suggests. He hates the apartment I live in. "That wouldn't be a problem. We can change the name on it and give it to her." The president of my label, Jet, says. "We can't just give her the house." One of the executives says. "We could James because we never gave her a signing bonus."

"We gave her a contract."

I'm just sitting here looking back and forth. "Fine. That's 100,000 down the drain." He scoffs. "That means what exactly?" I ask. "James apologize to Jasmine for your last comment or you can turn on your resignation now." Well damn. Jet isn't playing. James looks at me. "I apologize Jasmine. I meant nothing I'll towards you."

"Back to this money though." Jay says. "So yes basically it's an August and Jasmine takeover. We have reservations set for Friday night at a movie premiere at the Magical Theater. Media will be there and this is where it'll be announced." Shit that means I have to get Shema to style me something to wear.

"Why so soon?"

"The quicker the better.... Jas the house is yours. Jay will give you the keys. It's ready to move into too."

"I'll hire some movers. She'll be in by tomorrow morning." Jay says. "Wow." I mumble. "Jas do you have any objections?"

"No, thank you. It means a lot!"

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