Hand to Hand

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Shadowraven walked out of the room he was in and headed towards another room in the warehouse. "How come this place has so many rooms?" Shadowraven asked himself, silently looking around. He opened a door and saw Tigerblaze, Keller, Blaze, and Angel fighting each other on mats. "Hey, are you guys training?" He yelled. They all stopped and looked at him. Angel nodded, her pretty blonde hair a wild mess and Tigerblaze's face a deep red.

"Could I join you guys?" He asked. Keller nodded and walked over to Shadowraven. "I'll fight you first. I wanna see what you can do." He said emotionlessly. Shadowraven nodded and followed Keller as Keller walked towards an abandoned mat. "Don't be afraid to go all out, got it?" He told Shadowraven. Shadowraven nodded and got into a fighting stance. His hind leg taking most of the weight and his hands up to his face, copying what boxers did. Keller nodded and got into his own stance.

The two began to circle each other, staring each other down, waiting for one to strike. After a couple of minutes, Shadowraven slammed his right fist into Keller's face, knocking the boy to the ground. Keller landed on his back and lunged his foot out at Shadowraven's leg, tripping him. Keller stood up as Shadowraven fell and rolled, slamming his palm into Keller's stomach. Keller grabbed Shadowraven's hand before it could hit him and punched the boy in the face. Shadowraven grunted and struck with his left hand at Keller's stomach, landing a hit.

Keller oofed and stepped back, letting go of Shadowraven. Shadowraven quickly stood up, and with a well timed karate kick, knocked Keller to the ground. He placed his arm on Keller's neck and held it there. "Give up?" He asked. Keller nodded. "You're not too bad. One thing I recommend you fix is your attention span. I had several openings when I grabbed your arm and yet you still lunged for my stomach." Keller said, gratefully taking Shadowraven's hand and being pulled to his feet.

Shadowraven smiled. "The stomach was the least lethal spot I could think of." He replied. Keller raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Shadowraven shrugged and then snapped, his eyes widening. "I gotta check on Charm, I'll be right back." He said. "Wait who's Charm?" Asked Tigerblaze. "Rose." Replied Shadowraven, walking out of the room.

Angel looked at Tigerblaze, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "I believe someone is in loooooove." She cooed. Tigerblaze's face went from curious to confused. "Think about it, Kitty. Shadowraven has been looking out for that girl since we came here. He doesn't realize it, but that girl clearly loves him. Look at the way she looks at him. She's head over heels in love with him! So what do you think? Wanna play matchmaker, honey?" She asked, making her voice as sultry as possible.

Angel smirked victoriously as Tigerblaze blushed and nodded. "Then let's go!" She said, clapping her hands. Keller and Blaze looked at the girls, confused and slightly horrified at Angel's ability to scheme so quickly and Tigerblaze's nonstop dedication to helping the gay angel.

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