Omen of Primeval Evils

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Shadowraven sat against the wall, panting heavily. Charmcaster stood in front of him, her hands surrounded in a purple flame. He stood up shakily, coughing slightly. "Hand to hand combat with magic isn't working for me." He said, his breathing slowly going back into a normal pattern. Charmcaster sighed and the flames dispersed. "Keller can do it, Tigerblaze can do it, Blaze can do it naturally, and Angel can do it. How come it's so hard for you?" She asked. "Probably because I don't want to hurt anyone on accident." He replied. She sighed again. "Forget being so overprotective of us Shadowraven. We can take care of ourselves. You gotta learn to take care of yourself too instead of everyone." Scolded Charmcaster. Shadowraven cracked his knuckles. "Fine. I'll try one more time. I'll take on all of you though, alright?" He asked. The team looked at each other, then at Charmcaster, nodding. "Fine. You lose you have to do what we say for a week." Charmcaster said, an evil smirk on her lips.

Shadowraven nodded and got into his usual boxing stance. Charmcaster smiled and her hands lit up. "Ready?" She asked. Shadowraven nodded and Charmcaster lunged, aiming a fist at his face. Shadowraven ducked, only to get kicked in the face. He fell, landing on his back, then did a back flip. Tigerblaze leaped from the ceiling, slamming her fists on his exposed stomach. Shadowraven groaned as the force of the fall and Tigerblaze's demonic aura slammed into his stomach. As his back crashed into the floor, he realized that he was feeling pain. He quickly looked at his veins and saw that they were blue instead of black. He kicked Tigerblaze off, rolled to the side as Keller smashed an iron covered fist where Shadowraven was, then stood up. He stretched out his hand and thought of a spell, sending the tidal wave of shadows towards Keller. Keller leaped out of the way and Blaze was hit instead. He shivered and began to blast fireballs at the shadows, dispersing them temporarily.

The shadows kept swimming around Blaze as Shadowraven ran up to him. Shadowraven punched him in the face, the shadows dispersing. Shadowraven stepped back as Blaze kicked his leg and missed. Shadowraven grabbed Blaze's leg and threw him at Angel, who was aiming a spell at him. Blaze hit Angel in the stomach and they both fell. Charmcaster appeared behind him and shoved him, the magic on her hands sending Shadowraven flying into a wall. He crashed into the wall, leaving a human shaped dent. He fell, slapped his palms on the ground, and wisps of shadowy smoke began to appear. The wisps became smoke and then Shadowraven disappeared.

The team began to look for him. Suddenly the mist parted and out shot Shadowraven's hand, grabbing on to Blaze's foot. He fell and was dragged to the wall, then tangled up in some wires. Next was Angel, who had tried to fly away. She was slammed to the floor, then hung next go Blaze. Soon Keller, Charmcaster, and Tigerblaze followed, all of them hung by their hands and tied together. The mist dispersed and Shadowraven reappeared, laughing. "Let us down Shadowraven!" Exclaimed Charmcaster. He snapped his fingers and the ropes untied themselves. The team fell to the floor in a dog pile. "Ow, but thanks." Charmcaster said. Shadowraven smiled. "No problem." He replied.

A sudden earthquake shook the building. Everyone panicked as the floor shook, then suddenly stopped. "That's... That's not good." Shadowraven commented. The team looked at where he was looking and they saw a huge crack on the floor. It wasn't big enough to split the ground, but sticking out of the crack was a piece of the earth that was eerily shaped like a tooth. "The First..." Shadowraven whispered, running his hand along the grooves in the rock. "What?" Asked Keller. "The First. The grooves spell 'The First' on it." He replied. "The first what though?" Asked Blaze. "I don't know..." Shadowraven responded. He didn't like it though. Not one bit.

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