Distorted Reality and Ragnarok

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Shadowraven woke up, unsure of what happened. "Am I dead?" He asked himself, putting a hand to his aching temple. He saw a trickle of blood, then sighed. "No, you're not." Said a deep, rough voice. Shadowraven turned around and saw a dragon staring at him. It had black scales on its face, making it seem like it was wearing a mask that ran all the way to its horns but cut off a couple of inches underneath the eyes. The rest of its scales were gray, except for the ones underneath the dragon's wings. "Who... Who are you?" Asked Shadowraven. The dragon chuckled. "My name is Ragnarok. I believe you are Azriel, or Shadowraven. I am the apocalyptic beast given to you. I was first tamed by your ancestors but now it is time for you to tame me." He said.

Shadowraven stared at the giant dragon. The dragon shook it's wings, then unfolded them. "Come now boy, if you do not tame me you and your friends will die!" Ragnarok roared. Shadowraven ran at Ragnarok, unsure of how he was going to fight and tame such a big beast. The dragon seemed to know what he was planning though. It shot out a blast of fire, which almost burnt Shadowraven to a crisp. He stopped before the flames could hit him though, sliding underneath them. Ragnarok stared at the boy, clearly amazed. "No matter how many generations I go through, you Shadow liners never fail to amaze me." Chuckled Ragnarok. He slammed a gargantuan fist down at Shadowraven, who rolled out of the way.

Quick as lightning, he grabbed on to one of Ragnarok's scales and began to climb. He didn't have much time, he knew that since he could feel himself getting weaker. "Where am I, Ragnarok?" He shouted. The dragon, who was trying to shake him off, stared at the boy. "You are in a place known as the Otherland. It is where souls like you come and go as they please." Ragnarok replied, slamming his fist down to the ground. Shadowraven held on like a leech though, still climbing. Ragnarok watched as the boy got to his shoulder and climbed up his neck. "Shadowraven, you win." He said before Shadowraven reached him. Shadowraven stopped. "I won?" He asked. The dragon nodded, grabbed Shadowraven's shirt collar, and set him on the floor. "Raise your hand up to your chest, palm facing me." The dragon said. Shadowraven did as he was told and Ragnarok shrank, then placed his snout in the boy's hand.

"I, Ragnarok, the second apocalyptic beast to be created, accept Shadowraven as my successful wielder." He murmured. Shadowraven watched, then opened his mouth to speak. "I, Azriel Montoya, also knows as Shadowraven, accept Ragnarok to be my apocalyptic beast." He said. Ragnarok stood to full height, spread his wings, and roared. The beast disappeared and Otherworld began to crumble. "You're waking up." Said Ragnarok. Shadowraven looked down at his right hand and saw an eye with several scales underneath it. "You're talking to me?" He asked. "Yes child. Now prepare to summon me." Ragnarok said. The latch of dirt Shadowraven was on crumbled, and he fell.

Charmcaster was holding Shadowraven, crying. "You can't be dead you idiot, you can't be! I didn't even get to tell you!" She shouted at him. Shadowraven coughed, then looked up at Charmcaster. "I'm fine, Charm." He said. Charmcaster slapped him and let him go. Shadowraven rubbed his cheek. "You scared me, you imbecile!" She shouted. "Sorry..." He mumbled. "Wait, what about the dragon?" Asked Shadowraven. "Angel, Blaze, and Keller trying to stop it." She replied, glaring at him through puffy eyes. Shadowraven smiled. "I know how to defeat it." He said.

Charmcaster stared, then stood up. She stretched out her hand. "Come on, let's go." She said. Shadowraven took her hand and then the two of them ran towards the snow dragon, the mark on the back of Shadowraven's hand glowing white.

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