Chapter 26: Liar Liar

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Your POV

" Yn did you get his last name changed? " Ray asked as I walked through the door.

" Yes Ray. " I said dryly.

" Okay, what's with the attitude? Having hormones already I see? "

" No Ray! I'm not having hormones! I am very upset with you! "

" What did I do? " he asked.

" You know what you did Ray. "

" Actually no I don't. "

" Alright then. Let me ask you something. "

" Alright, " he said.

'' Are you cheating on me? "

" What? No! Why would you think that? ''

'' Then why did you come in at 5 A.M. Ray? ''

'' You know about that? '' he asked sounding surprised.

'' I do now. ' I said acting like I didn't know before.

'' Aw sh-t. '' he said rubbing his forehead.

'' Who is she Ray? ''

'' Huh? ''

'' Who is she!? '' I yelled.

'' She's nobody Yn. ''

'' She obviously is somebody if you were f-cking her! ''

'' How do you know I was f-cking her Yn? ''

'' Prod sees you going in and out of her house all the time. ''

'' How do you know its a girls house!? It could be a boy's house too! ''

'' Don't raise your motherf-cking voice at me Rayan! Michelle and Mia saw you at her house last night. She came out with a trench coat on and got into your f-cking car! '' I yelled.

'' You have b-tches spying on me now? ''

'' They aren't b-tches Ray, and I shouldn't have too! I should be able to trust and believe that you aren't doing anything behind my back while I'm pregnant with you f-cking baby! ''

'' And why don't you Yn? Huh, why don't you trust that I'm not doing anything? ''

'' Because Ray! Cj's still a baby, and he wakes up hungry in the middle of the night, and when I go to feed him you aren't in the f-cking house! '' I screamed.

'' Don't f-cking cuss at me Yn! '' he yelled with veins popping out his neck.

'' Oh so you mad now? I don't see why cause you ain't the one that's getting f-cked over! Now tell me who the f-ck she is! '' I yelled pushing him.

He looked at me in rage as he raised his hand like he was about to hit me.

'' I f-cking dare you to lay a finger on me! Do it Rayan hit me! '' I yelled in fury.

He lowered his hand and sighed.

'' Tell me who she is! ''

In the midst of us yelling his phone started vibrating on the living room table. He ignored it and continued looking at me.

'' Why aren't you answering your phone Ray? '' I asked crossing my arms.

'' Because its not important. '' he said.

'' Why? Is it her? ''

'' No. ''

'' Then let me answer it. ''

'' No! '' he said running to try and get his phone.

It stopped vibrating for a couple of seconds then started again indicating that whoever it was was calling again.

'' Give me your phone Ray. If its not her then let me answer it. ''

He clenched his teeth and slowly handed me the phone. I slid it to answer and a loud feminine voice filled my ears.

'' Ray why weren't you answering the phone!?  ''

I looked at Ray and he could tell I was ready to explode.

''  Why are you calling my boyfriend's phone trick! ''

'' Where is Ray at? Who's this? '' she asked in a lower voice indicated that she was a little taken back by me being on the phone.

'' Don't worry about Ray when he's here with me! Who the f-ck is this! ''

'' Oh you must be his little sideline hoe that's pregnant huh? ''

'' Oh I'm the side line? Last time I checked I'm the one having his baby and the one he's with all day and your the one that he only sees at night so no one will see him with you, have you met his mother? ''

'' No. ''

'' Right, but I'm the sideline. Has he ever told you he loved you when you weren't having sex? ''

'' No but--- ''

'' And are you having his first child? ''

'' No. ''

'' Right and I'm the side line. Oh but don't worry. Soon you'll have Ray all to yourself. '' I said hanging up.

'' Y-Yn what did you mean when you said that she'll have me all to herself? '' he asked with tears brimming his eyes.

'' We're done Ray. I want you out in an hour. '' I said.

'' Yn where am I supposed to live? ''

'' With her, I don't care I just don't want you here. '' I said.

'' Yn please don't do this. '' he begged.

'' You should have thought about this while you were f-cking some hoe. ''

'' Yn, '' he said.

'' 1 hour. Everything that isn't packed I'm putting in a bag and burning it. ''

'' Yn you can't be serious. ''

'' You think I'm playing? '' I said walking back to our room grabbing one of his shirts and a lighter and lighting it on fire.

'' YN ARE YOU CRAZY! '' he said stomping it our.

'' Now you're down to 45 minutes. You better get packing, or you'll only have a pile of ashes left. '' I said walking back downstairs to get Cj.

He f-cked up to many times. I'm done giving him chances.


I know I took forever to update. I know. But you guys just take a long time to meet a goal. I mean I don't have a problem but when people are all up in my inbox telling me to hurry up and update and they aren't the ones trying to help reach the goal then I start to have a problem. So try and make this goal quickly because there's only going to be more drama from here on out. And don't forget to hit my new book up called Fame. I want it to get a good amount of reads like this one.

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