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Okay first of all lemme just say sorry for not uploading the chapter when I said I would but I wasnt happy with it. ANYWAY LETS GET ON WITH IT!

*A couple months later still at Yoongis*

I was bored very bored, weve been lounging around at Yoongis for a good two months now and I wasnt allowed to leave 1. Because Kyungsoo is now internationally wanted.. and 2. Because "Its dangerous if you go out on your own" as my criminal boyfriend says. As if being with him isnt already dangerous enough anyway. I sound selfish but its not like im the criminal here i should be allowed to go where I want. As for contacting people, thats completely off the list everyday I stare at my phone as it blows up with texts and calls from Minhye, my overly worried brother Jongdae and even His beloved boyfriend Xiumin (xiuchen is my life okay) who bare in mind ive met twice at most.
I thought of changing my number but that would cause my brother to start an international-worldwide search party.

Though on the bright side. Me and my criminal boyfriend have gotten closer I even found out that his birthday is a day before mine I know right  were dating for how long now and I only found out ha (it actually is and kais is a day after im in a kaisoo sandwich and no this doesnt make the character based on me i just thought id give her my birthday okay ill shut up now)
Me and Yoongi have gotten to know each other also. Hes like my older second brother who always sticks up for me when me and D.O fight. But otherwise I feel like im going to go insane very soon...

I groaned for the thousandth time today making yoongi chuckle and D.O just stare blankly at me. Hes in an especially bad mood today and neither me or Yoongi know why as he wont tell us, actually he hasnt even said a word today. He just sits with a scowl on his face staring into space or at me which is intimidating but I got used to it.

"Can I go out please at least for a while. Yoongi can come and look after me or whatever. Right Yoongi" I turned to yoongi with pleading eyes and then at D.O who glared at me with the same scowl set on his face "You should let her out, shes a human being she needs fresh air plus" Yoongi cleared his throat and hesitated before finishing his sentence "its not like the cops are after her" I held a breath waiting for D.Os reaction. I took a look at him and he glared at yoongi then me, shook his head and then got up and left.

I huffed and slid down off the couch. I turned to look at Yoongi who had a 'didnt I tell you so' look on his face. I rolled my eyes and stumped my way to where Kyungsoo was. He was spread out  across the entire bed staring at the ceiling. "Youre such a pain in the ass you know that why are you so stubborn" I said crossing my arms. He 'hmmd' rolling over to his side supporting his head with his hand. "Whatever Im just going to go out. You cant stop me I have rights" I puffed and turned to leave. Kyugnsoo jumped off the bed and right in front of me at the speed of light blocking the door.

Rolling my eyes I tried to shove him aside but obviously failing. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer making me look up at him. He leaned down for a kiss but I turned my head refusing. "Whos the stubborn one now" His voice came out raspy and hoarse from not using it all day which made him oh so hot. Eugh. "I want to go outside explore yknow" I whispered. He groaned "fine" I smiled "but" my smile faded instantly "kiss me first" I rolled my eyes at his childishness but planted  short kiss on his lips only to be pulled back again.

He deepend the kiss answering my question of why hes been grumpy. Men will be men. I pulled away due to lack of oxygen  "can I go now" I pleaded waiting patiently to be let out of this boring house. "Yes" He said moving aside. I opened the door but was stopped again by Kyungsoo "bring your phone actually take Yoongi he knows this place best anyway" He said with a stern look on his face. Hell make a good father some day. Thinking ahead anyway Minji moving on. "Okay I love you" I smiled up at him. I saw him smile for the first time today which made my heart jitter "I love you too" as soon as he said that I ran out the room to grab my shoes and coat also Yoongi must not forget him.

I poked Yoongi excitedly "so I see were going out" He smiled getting up "look after her make sure she doesnt do anything stupid" I rolled my eyes at Kyungsoos comment and dragged Yoongi out the door.

I breathed the fresh mid-fall air "ah it feels nice" I followed sharp behind Yoongi who has decided that well go get coffee first to keep us warm. Kyungsoos commands. Sometimes I felt like his child. "You know this coffee shop right" I nodded as we entered the coffee shop where Yoongi first picked us up. We ordered and left to go explore which I was very excited about.

*aayyy were skipping time*

I sat down on a bench in some abandoned playground exhaling a puff of white smoke due to the cold mid-fall night. Thanks to my stupidness Im lost and cold. Ha. but I called Yoongi and he said he will come get me. If Kyungsoo found out about this he will flip. Not sure who he will kill first though. Now that I come to think of it. Hes very possesive indeed. Kind of digging it though.

"Kim Minji?" I snapped out of my thoughts when a manly voice spoke. "Yes thats me. Who are you?" I stood up clenching my phone in my hand. "Oh Im a friend of Kyungsoo my names Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol" I nodded still feeling uneasy about this Chanyeol guy. He was awfully tall and kind of scary? And I mean thats saying something since I live with a serial killer.

Kyungsoo never mentioned a Chanyeol to me though "it waz nice meeting you I guess but I have to go find my friend now" I turned around walking away. Soon enough heavy footsteps were heard behind me.

Before I could react i felt a throbbing pain in my head and the wet concreat beneath me. "That'll teach him not to mess with me" Was the last thing I heard before a dark dream land overtook my mind...

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