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Even through Kyungsoos clear signs of annoyence I still took my time to get to know Jongin. He was such a nice guy. His laugh was the best thing I heard in my life.

At the moment we were all sitting in my house as I invited them over. For Kyungsoo this of course was a huge problem. Nonetheless after my constant nagging he gave in.

"Okay but im hungry what about you guys" Kyungsoo spoke up. I enthusiastically nodded my head. When was I not hungry.

"Should I go order something?" I looked at the two men waiting for an answer. "No I'll go get food" Soo stood up and pointed at Jongin "youre also coming" Jongin got up but I pulled him down "No he can stay" Kyungsoo glared at Jongin. I waved him away. "Go im hungry" He rolled his eyes before leaving.

"So how long have you known Kyungsoo?" I questioned. Jongin turned his attention from his phone to me. "Since we were kids we pretty much grew up together you could say but what about you?" I thought for a minute. "Um its not that long" He nodded giving me one of his phenomenal smiles. His smile was so captivating and addicting.

Jongin got up and shuffled towards where I was sitting before flopping down beside me. "So you and Kyungsoo are a thing?" I shook my head and bit my lip. Jongin smirked and reached behind me. His hand went down to my but causing me to panic. Before I could get up he pulled out my phone put of my back pocket. I sighed in relieaf and slapped his arm. "So since you and Soo arent a thing he wont mind if you give me your number" He winked. I blushed and bit my lip "I dont think s-" "I will mind actually" Kyungsoo ran up to Jongin snatching my phone from his hand. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Jongin kept a smirk on his face clearly not scared of Kyungsoo.

"I was getting her number. Duuh?" He stepped closer to Kyungsoo which made me stand up. "You didnt have to touch her ass to do that!" Wait he saw that? Kyungsoo took a step closer this time. Even though Jongin was way taller than Kyungsoo I knew very well what he was capable of so I decided to step in. "Jongin I think you should go" He turned to me making an "o" shape with his lips. "I thought you liked me" I scuffed. "I think you got the wrong idea" He slumped in defeat and made his way to the door. I followed him closely behind.

"We should hang out sometime anyway. Youre really nice Min" I was about to say something but Kyungsoo intreupted by pushing Jongin out the door and slamming it behind him.

I stood still. A little taken back by what just happened. Kyungsoo took a deep breath before turning to face me "why were you flirting with him?" I stared at him. Was he serious? Although In the back of my head I kneew it was a bad idea. I made a descision to play along. "Well because hes attractive. Clearly" I sent him a quick smirk. I swear I saw his eye twitch.

He took a couple of steps closer to me and I copied his action. "Is that so?" He almost you could say, growled. "Yes. I wanted to get to know him but you kind of.. interupted" He eyed me intently. His gaze was so intimidating like he was pulling me in ready to swallow me whole. It made me uncomfortbale but at the same time it was. I cant put words to it. "So I interrupted?" He stepped forward once again. This time so close our bodies touched. It put all my willpower at test to not freak out at how close we were right now. "Yes. You did. Hes great and you ruined my chance with him" I wasnt very aware of my words by now. All my focus was on Kyungsoo.

"I see well why dont you go chase after him?" He said as he stepped aside taking me by surprise. I walked to the door. "Are you serious?!" I stopped my hand from reaching the handle and spun around to meet with kyungsoo millimeters away from me once again. I stood back hitting the door. Smart.

Kyungsoo smirked. I noticed he does that a lot. He closed the gap between us yet again. This time though his face was invading my personal space also. Not that I minded.

He stared into my eyes. It seemed like he was looking for something in them. Then he broke the eye contact and moved his lips close to my ear "But I told you before" I shivered and watched as he mimicked this move to the other ear. God he was driving me crazy. "You're mine"

"Kyungsoo" He turned his gaze to my eyes then to my lips still smirking. "Kyungsoo" He did a hm sound telling me go on.
"What if I dont want to be yours" I was lying. I mean this boy could do anything and Ill still be oh so obsessed with him.

"Oh but you dont have a choice" He said before pressing his lips on mine. I was in another world. Im going to sound cheesy but. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt like our lips were made for each other oh boy I cant get enough of him.

I felt him snake his arms around my waist pulling me closer into him. If that was even possible still. I was kind of glad he did though as I wasnt sure if my legs could carry me.

We seperated in need of oxygen. "You have no fucking idea how long I wanted to do that for" He put his forehead on mine. "It took you so long I nearly went for Jongin instead" I lifted my head and winked at him teasingly. "Sorry It wont take that long next time" He pecked my lips again and let go of me setting me free from his tight grip.

"Oh and by the way" I turned back to face him "Im finally taking you out tomorrow"


HEELLOOOO. I hope everyones enjoying so far. Im sorry for the slow update by the way. Im awfully lazy. X

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