
277 10 14

I bounced my legs up and down nervously as me and Yoongi were sat in the waiting room of a hospital. ''I hate hospitals'' I turned my attention to an exhausted looking Yoongi, head in hands. ''so do I. You can leave if you want I'll wait for him. I just hope your friend is as good of a doctor as you said. ''Hes done Kyungsoo up before trust me if hes in Jins (heh:)) hands then hes in the best hands and now if you excuse me Im getting out of here. Please come for me when hes out or whatever'' He almost shouted as he got farther away from my spot. 

Honestly I havent seen Yoongi so tired before. I made a mental note that I should thank him later for, well saving me I guess.

The only thing that was occupying my mind right now was Kyungsoo, was he going to be okay? One part of me said yes that was the 'scientific' side you could say I mean he only got shot in like the stomach area so if the bullet didn't hit anything important then he should be fine, but the other part was the worried as fuck girlfriend who just saw her boyfriend get shot. The worried girlfriend part was winning. All I wanted to do was burts in there and check on him, then if I think about it I dont exactly want to see him on an operating table do I.

The thing that kept me happy though was that since the doctor was a friend of Kyungsoos then he wont get caught by the police I hope... I shouldve just stayed home. If I stayed home then Kyungsoo wouldnt be here his life in danger.

I sighed wiping away stray tears. "Minji right?" I averted my eyes to an unfamiliar voice. It was Jin. "Yes, yes" I stood up my blood starting to circulate twice as fast. "Kyungsoo wants to see you" He gave me a kind smile and led the way to what I guess was D.Os room.

I creaked the door open to see a helpless Kyungsoo. He was so fragile looking almost as if it wasnt even Kyungsoo lying here right now. "Ah you look awful" really all I managed to say. How kind of me. "Thanks babe it really means a lot" He let out a small, low toned chuckle.

I cracked a smile and sat on his bed careful not to hurt him somehow. I put my hand to his cheek. "Im so glad your alive" I mumbled. "Im more glad youre not hurt" My heart jittered even though it was insane, he cares far too much about me. "D.O?" I squeezed his hand checking if hes still conscious "Hm"

"Thankyou so much" I didnt realize I was crying until Kyungsoo wiped it away his eyes still closed. "I love you dont cry and come here" He rasped lifting one of his arms. I lay down. Kyungsoo wrapped his arm around me. I cuddled into him and he winced "shit sorry I forgot" I shot up but he pulled me back down "Shut up already Im tired"

I obeyed shutting my eyes wanting to get some shut eye. "Oh kyungsoo?" I whispered. "Yes" His chest raised as he sighed clearly annoyed at me. "I love you too" ..

It mustve been a good couple of hours since Ive fallen into my slumber because when I woke up the hospital bed was empty with no Kyungsoo in sight. I panicked not knowing where he couldve possibly went off to.

"Hes in the bathroom chill" I jumped at the sudden person speaking. "You scared me" I spoke to yoongi who was sitting in the corner on one of those really uncomfortable hospital chairs. He slowly got up stretching "did you sleep on that chair?" I asked concerned. He looked like he couldnt stand properly. He simply shrugged and left the hospital room leaving me alone waiting for Kyungsoo.

My thoughts started to wander to what happened so far in my life from me and Jongdaes parents death to meeting Kyungsoo to what happened just yesterday. "Ha I could write a book" I laughed to myself in the vacant room. The white interior making me fidget. It was a horrible choice of colour.

"Hey you're awake" I smiled upon hearing his voice. I met eyes with him as he slowly made his way over. I noticed he was wearing his normal clothes. "Are we going home today?" I wondered. Kyungsoo nodded smiling before planting a kiss on my forehead. This guy, he knows what I like. "Yes I cant stay here for too long remember Im still a 'criminal on the run'." he chuckled.

I got myself off the abnormally uncomfortable bed cracking my stiff back. "Lets go Yoongis already waiting outside" He pulled his hood up and his mask over his mouth and nose. I copied his move and followed him out.  We got into the car and yoongi sped off not looking back.

Since our car ride was quite long I started to wonder what happened to Chanyeol and that other guy. When he shot Kyungsoo back there he looked pretty shaken up about it. ''What are you thinking about?'' My train of thought was interrupted by Kyungsoo poking my cheek. I scowled at him slapping his hand away.

''I was actually thinking of chanyeol and the other guy'' Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. ''He shot me'' ''He didn't mean to'' ''Minji you don't just accidentally shoot someone you know'' I scoffed ''You'd know a lot about that wouldn't you'' I folded my arms not averting my gaze from his. His expression went from hurt to pissed in literally zero point one milliseconds ''You're ridiculous why are you even bringing that up'' 

The air felt awfully thick all of a sudden as I could sense Kyungsoo getting angry but that wasn't going to stop me. ''Because if you didn't fuck around with Chanyeols boyfriend or whiever he is then I wouldn't have gotten 'kidnapped' and you wouldnt have gotten shot'' I tried not to raise my voice as we were still in a car. Poor Yoongi ''Maybe if you were so fucking desperate to get out we wouldve both been fine!'' I huffed trying to think of a comeback ''Maybe if I didn't meet you my life would be normal. I could go out when I want and with who I want'' 

As soon as I finished the car to a stop. Just my luck. I sprung out of the car grabbing Yoongis keys and running into the apartment. Not bothering to look back at Kyungsoo, knowing him hes probably extremely pissed and let's be honest, hes kind of scary. 

I ran to the bathroom locking it. I dropped to the ground starting to sob. As much as I hate to admit it what I said back there was true. If I never met kyungsoo I would've had a normal life, with my friends being able to do what I want. 

''Min open the door''... 

Hiah heeyy heres a quick chapter just to make up for me not updating ;) 

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