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"Come on open up Min" Kyungsoo continued banging on the door. I didn't want to see him right now I feel too bad to face him.

I covered my ears like a little kid hoping to block out his continuos knocking and shouting. "Kim Minji if you do not open this door instantly I will bloody knock it down" I ignored. I wasnt a teenage girl to obey everything he says. He has no right to command me around.

I sighed. Couple of seconds passed since Kyungsoo threatened and the door was still standing.

I stood on my feet turning the tap on to wash my tear stained face. I chuckled at my reflection. It looked entertaining the way the tears left trails in my foundation creating almost art you could say.
Shook my head at myself before washing my face.

As I was drying my face I hear the lock turn. Panicking I stand still not knowing whats going to happen next.

The door swings open and Kyungsoo makes his way to me almost sprinting. I backed away only for my back meet the shower door. Kyungsoo grabbed me by the throat forcing me to look at him "when I tell you to open the door you open it you hear me" I let out an alsmot inaudible "yes"

Tears were building up in my eyes when I realized my own boyfriend is holding me by the throat. He shook his head staring me down. "Dont" Was all he said before smashing his lips onto mine his grip on my throat now gone.

I turned away only to be turned towards him again "stop resisting when you know you dont want to" He smirked tracing his thumb across my lips. He was very right infact. As much as I want to hate him I cant.

He leaned in rejoining our lips. My fingers made their way into his hair giving it a pull here and there which earned me a satisfied moan.

*Yo some dazzling will be happening ahead just a warnig*

I pushed the shower door open letting us both in. "Really?" He let out a husky chuckle. I shrugged biting my lip. Kyungsoo hungryly attacked my lips again. He trailed kisses down my neck and back to my lips. Just like he always does.

Then all of a sudden he turned the shower on making me jump away in suprise due to the water being cold. He took this as an oppertunity to push me against the wall going straight for my neck (im making him look like a vampire how cute). He tugged the end of my shirt which I gladly took off.

Kyungsoo watched me intently with hunger in his eyes as I took my clothes off. I wasnt going to lie and say that it wasnt driving me crazy. "Youre a goddes" He said kissing me "my goddes". I stopped him before he could kiss me again. "If im naked then you should be too. Not very fair sir"

He smirked throwing his clothes off making me gulp (HAHAHA SORRY)...

I woke up the moring after with an empty spot beside me once again. I groaned too lazy to get up but so hungry. I opened my etes again hearing the dood open. Kyungsoo came in smiling like never. Weirdo. "I made you breakfast" I smiled and I swear my eyes sparkled as soon as he mentioned food. "Well where is it?" "In the kitchen get up lazy ass" I sighed but got up anyway.

I entered the kitchen and Yoongi waved swallowing whatever hes drinking before speaking "you take very long showers. Though its quite smart that you showered together. Saves water" I blushed a crismon red. I totaly forgot Yoongi was also here. Kyungsoo walked up behind him hitting the back of his head.

"Rude" I snickered and Kyungsoo winked making me go red again. I hid my face by plopping my head on the kitchen table "come on breakfast" My head shot up as I smelt the food. Get yourself a man who can cook my mum always said. So I did mum though theres some extras to the package too...

About three or four long weeks passed and kyungsoo became a new person. He was nice to me and got angry less though it made me quite dissapointed. Hes very good in bed when hes angry but thats why im talking about this..

I rolled out of bed once again running to throw up "babe?" Kyungsoo ran into the bathroom as I coughed up my lungs into the toilet. I groad the foul taste in my mouth strong.

I probably forgot to mention this  but ive missed my period. By three weeks to be exact but im refusing to tell Kyungsoo he'd start a shitwar I know it. "We should take you to the doctors" He knelt down beside me rubbing my back. I shook my head no "im fine i just mustve ate something bad" I pushed myself up going to brush my teeth.

I went straight back to bed after kyungsoo following soon after. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me close. He sighed indicating theres something on his mind. Something I figured out a while ago. I turned to face him "whats up?" I questioned pushing stray strands of hair out of his face. His bangs were getting too long but I guess it made him a little more unrecognisable.

"I have a customer" He whispered not opening his eyes, as if scared of my reaction. My body tensed up. He cant possibly be thinking about doing the job.

I shot up feeling the vomit building up in my throat once again. I growled my throat stung and tears came from my eyes... "Im going to do it. Ill be careful. Like always" He winked. I stared at him from the sink not believing his words. "Look Min its my job and I told you before. Dont like it leave"

I held my stomach as he wore a proud smile on his face. I cant leave him now that im possibly carrying his child. "When do you leave" I mumbled unaware of my words. "Tonight" He said inching towards me. I faced away walking back to the bedroom "good luck"

I crawled into bed again. Listening for the door to close meaning he has left and broke down my emotions getting the best of me.

Oh Kyungsoo...


Psychotic Love X Kyungsoo X  |Where stories live. Discover now