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Kyungsoos p.o.v

I left Minji to herself getting ready for my job. She was acting strange but I let it go she probably needed some space. "Can you keep an eye out for her please I have work to do" I pleaded Yoongi who was busy with writing his lyrics or whatever. "Sure. Be careful please Im not saving your ass like last time" He simply put making me roll my eyes.

I pulled up my hood and face mask and headed out the door. My victim should be near by. Hes some low life guy who owns my boss money so he wants to get rid of him quietly.

I walked past a police officer quickly giving him a fast bow. He eyed me suspiciously but continued his duties. I wandered the streets double checking the picture I had of the guy that was soon to be under my knife.

Whenever I spotted him I started to follow him, carefully so he didnt notice me. When we were far enough from civilization I charged at him knocking him ti the ground. "What the hell man" He grunts trying to get up but i pushed him back down "a message from Taeyang" I said before stabbing his lower stomach.

He yelped in pain making me smirk. Music to my ears. "Well heres a message back" I didnt react fast enough as he grabbed my knife and tried to attack me which I dodged only being left with a cut on my chest.

I groaned as it stung. "You bastard" I truned around but he was already on the run. I cursed getting up to catch him.

My phone started to ring so I pulled it out of my pocket not checking who it was as I kept my eyes on the guy. "Kyungsoo I have to tell you something important" I sighed as I heard Minjis voice. This wasnt the time and Im sure it can wait. "Min tell me when I get home okay I Love you" I said between breaths "Kyugsoo Im-" before she could finish I hung up as I was not too far behind this guy.

Suddenly he took a sharp turn suprising me. He was leading me into the center of the town. I had to get him before he did so.

Though I couldnt help but wonder what she wanted to tell me. I really let her down. I promised to stay by her always and that I'll change but I broke the promise.

And right now as Im being hand cuffed by a police officer I relised how much she must hate me right now.

Minjis p.o.v

I ran out of the house with Yoongi at my heals. I kept nagging at him to tell me where Kyungsoo is. He didn't give in until I told him I'm pregnant. He agreed to go with me. I just hoped it wasnt too late to stop him.

As we ran to the center of the town my heart almost stopped seeing police cars. I searched for Kyungsoo trying to at least get one last look at him. "Min" I spun around to where Yoongi was pointing to.

I ran towards the police officer that had Kyungsoo handcuffed. "Ma'am you cant speak to the accused" I pushed him aside. Kyungsoo stared at me regret in his eyes "ma'a-" "GIVE ME TWO FUCKING MINUTES" He stepped away giving me what I want.

I stood facing kyungsoo forgetting everythig I wanted to say. Suddenly I felt my hand colliding with his cheek his head turning due to the impact. "You fucking idiot. Youre such a fucking idiot I told you not to go. You promised you wouldnt leave me" I was now crying. Which I do quite a lot these past few days.

I shoved him. He just let me. Defeated. "I hate you I hate you so fucking much so why do I love you" I screamed earning attention from passer bys. "Min Im so so sorry I love you so much Im sorry please forgive me" Now he was crying. Everything came to him like a wave and he broke down right there.

"Right thats enough lover boy in the car" I tried to stop him but he pushed Kyungsoo in. "Dont say sorry to me for leaving say sorry to your child" I said holding my stomach. Kyungsoos eyes widened. But before he could react the door was shut and the car sped off.

I fell to the ground and Yoongi rushed to my side pulling me into him. "Sshh its alright its okay sshh" Yoongi cooed. I cried out my hearts content into Yoongis chest.

He left. He left me with his child. His child will grow up not knowing his father. Hes an idiot. Such an idiot. "Hey look at me" I glanced at Yoongi. "He'll be back I promise. We will get a lawyer a good one. He will be back and you two will raise a child together okay" He spoke trying to make it sound believeable. I made my mind believe nodding my head...

*skip skip skip*

Yoongi was right. Partly. We got a good lawyer, the best in town. Though all he could do is shorten his sentence to 5 years.

It wasnt much for all his crimes but still enough for kyungsoo to miss his child growing up. When he saw me in court with my bump growing he smiled but it chabged to regret and pain as soon as he saw that I wasnt happy and happy I wasnt. I tried to be happy for my child which was soon to be born but my source of happiness was sitting behind bars

Im still staying with Yoongi so today me and we decided to pay D.O a visit. I waddled out of the apartment Yoongi offering his hand which I gladly took. Hes been a huge help these past months.

We drove up to the huge building my anxiety rising. Im not sure how my emotions will react to seeing Kyungsoo.

Taking a breath we steped inside going through security and all the jazz. Yoongi never left my side. He looked after me more than himself. I wondered if it was Kyungsoos commands.

We sat in the visiting area waiting for kyungsoo to come (i know nothing about jails okay but ive watched oitnb so). As soon as I saw him it was like all my worst nightmares and fears dissapeared. Cliche but true.

He smiled at me before looking down at my bump. "Hey buddy how you holding up?" Yoongi broke the silence. Kyungsoo shrugged not taking his eyes off me "How are you three doing thats more important" he asked.

"Good were coping though I dont know if i could do it without Yoongi" Kyungsoos eyes darkened. Oops mustve struck a nerve. "Youre lucky you know" He directed at Yoongi who sat confused "youll get to watch my child grow" he spat as if it was yoongis fault. "Its your own fault youre here DO" Yoongi hissed. He was right after all

Kyungsoo stood up the chair falling from behind him "fuck you" Yoongi stood up also making me panic. Why were there no police officers. Halo pregnant woman in need.

I winced as I started feek the pain I didnt want right now. Great timing little buddy. "Guys" They turned their attention to me all their beef gone.

"I think the baby is coming. Like. Right now ha excellent timing. Really. Kyungsoo this is your child for sure" I said between breaths. Yoongi then grabbed my arm leading me out to the car. I took one last look at kyungsoo who mouthed the words "I love you" before they took him back.

Only if he was there when his child was born...

Heh. Hello again im really on a roll with the chapters XD anyway I really hope youre enjoying ths book so far and thankyou all for reading.

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